Muscle data analyzed

( 1. Experimental Data   2. Analyses   3. Further Analyses )

Expression groups used in the tests: EG003.1, EG003.2, EG003.1+EG003.2

1. Experimental data

A GSP inventory of the all of the experiments is available in a Experiment Groups table. You can scroll to the particular Experiment Group ID. For a discussion on the data definitions used in "genes list, gene expression, JTV viewer, Excel data" below, see the Data Analysis Methods Section 5. that also defines terms used in the reports.

Descriptions of experiments used in the tests
It compares two groups of samples as A/B with:

Muscle cells from Stat5-null and control 12-week mice with GH treatment
(T1) Stat5MKO+GH vs WT+GH
      (A) Samples[Stat5MKO+GH]: EG003.1-01, EG003.1-02, EG003.1-05
      (B) Samples[WT+GH]: EG003.1-03, EG003.1-04, EG003.1-06

Muscle cells from Stat5-null and control 15-week mice without GH treatment
(T2) Stat5MKO-GH vs WT-GH
      (A) Samples[Stat5MKO-GH]: EG003.2-04, EG003.2-05, EG003.2-06
      (B) Samples[WT-GH]: EG003.2-01, EG003.2-02, EG003.2-03

Muscle cells from Stat5-null 12-week mice with GH treatment and 15 week Stat5-null without GT treatment
(T3) Stat5MKO+GH vs Stat5MKO-GH
      (A) Samples[Stat5MKO+GH]: EG003.1-01, EG003.1-02, EG003.1-05
      (B) Samples[Stat5MKO-GH]: EG003.2-04, EG003.2-05, EG003.2-06

Muscle cells from WT 12-week mice with GH treatment and 15 week WT without GT treatment
(T4) WT+GH vs WT-GH
      (A) Samples[WT+GH]: EG003.1-03, EG003.1-04, EG003.1-06
      (B) Samples[WT-GH]: EG003.2-01, EG003.2-02, EG003.2-03

2. Analyses

These tests report the gene changes for the specific Expression Groups. The gene expression as seen across all samples within the same Affymetrix platform is shown below in the Further Analyses across all samples. The tests are numbered T1+ (T1-) etc. meaning the fold-change of gene expression went up (down) in test 1, etc.

Fold-change Tests-Intersection report for Muscle Excel, Test-Intersection Web page. This summarizes the fold-changes found for all of these tests.

Stat5MKO+GH vs WT+GH
Muscle cells from Stat5-null and control 12-week mice with GH treatment
  (T1+) --- foldChanges > 2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T1-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Stat5MKO-GH vs WT-GH
Muscle cells from Stat5-null and control 15-week mice without GH treatment
  (T2+) --- foldChanges > 2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T2-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Stat5MKO+GH vs Stat5MKO-GH
Muscle cells from Stat5-null 12-week mice with GH treatment and 15 week Stat5-null without GT treatment
  (T3+) --- foldChanges > 2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T3-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Muscle cells from WT 12-week mice with GH treatment and 15 week WT without GT treatment
  (T4+) --- foldChanges > 2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T4-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X and p-Value<0.05, genes list, genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

3. Further Analyses - genes viewed across all samples

These tests report the gene exprsesion for the all samples in the database (within the same Affymetrix platform) that were determined with the Expression Group Analyses. The tests are numbered T1+ (T1-) etc. meaning the fold-change of gene expression went up (down) in test 1, etc.

[Note: this was done with the 143 samples in EG001 through EG012, and does not include EG009-EG011 - 1/28/2009.]

Stat5MKO+GH vs WT+GH
Muscle cells from Stat5-null and control 12-week mice with GH treatment
  (T1+) --- foldChanges > 2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T1-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Stat5MKO-GH vs WT-GH
Muscle cells from Stat5-null and control 15-week mice without GH treatment
  (T2+) --- foldChanges > 2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T2-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Stat5MKO+GH vs Stat5MKO-GH
Muscle cells from Stat5-null 12-week mice with GH treatment and 15 week Stat5-null without GT treatment
  (T3+) --- foldChanges > 2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T3-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Muscle cells from WT 12-week mice with GH treatment and 15 week WT without GT treatment
  (T4+) --- foldChanges > 2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel
  (T4-) --- 1/foldChanges < 1/2X genes expression, JTV viewer, Excel

Go to the Introduction for a discussion of this database. Additional information on this database is available through the Table Of Contents on the left side of this Web site.

This Web page was derived in collaboration with GSP consortium members.

Revised: Mon Sep 28 15:13:49 EDT 2009
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