/** File: JTVconvert.java */ /** * Class JTVconvert to convert a Java Tree View (JTV) set of input * sub directories of JTV files to a remapped Array Name labels of * the .cdt files to a corresponding set of output JTV sub directories * with renamed (.atr,.cdt,.gtr) files. This code was developed for use of * mAdb JTV clustered heatmap data with the Group STAT Project (GSP) * database. *

* [REFACTOR] to separate JTVconverter program from HTMLtools. *


 * List of Methods
* =================== * JTVconvert() - Constructor * convertAllJTVfiles() - convert a list of sub directories of JTV * getUnzippedJTVzipFileData() - get array of name & data for zip file. * getJTVsubDirData() - get array of name & data for the JTV directory. * cvtJTVfileSet() - convert a sub directory JTV file set * createTableFromStr() - create Table by parsing tab-delim. string * createTableFromFile() - create Table from file tab-delim. string. * createTableAtKeywordLine() - create Table starting at hdr keyword. * makeMapTable() - create map Table from ftL2S and ftMAS. * applyMapTableToCDT() - map 'mAdb ID's to CDT array names. * reorderNAMEsubfieldsInCDT() - reorder 'NAME' subfields in CDT all data rows * copyJTVjarFilesToJTVOutputDir() - copy JTV jar files to JTVOutputDir. * reZipConvertedFiles() - ReZip converted files to output JTV directory. *

* This code is available at the HTMLtools project on SourceForge at * http://htmltools.sourceforge.net/ * under the "Common Public License Version 1.0" * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php.


* It was derived and refactored from the open source * MAExplorer (http://maexplorer.sourceforge.net/), and * Open2Dprot (http://Open2Dprot.sourceforge.net/) Table modules. *

* $Date: 2009/07/13 11:45:56 $ $Revision: 1.28 $ *
* Copyright 2008, 2009 by Peter Lemkin * E-Mail: lemkin@users.sourceforge.net * http://lemkingroup.com/ *
*/ public class JTVconvert { /* Note all global variables are in Globals.java except the help * messages which are in HelpMsgs.java. */ public HTMLtools cvt; /** Global fileTable instance */ public FileTable fio; /** * JTVconvert() - Constructor */ public JTVconvert(HTMLtools cvt) { /* JTVconvert */ this.cvt= cvt; this.fio= cvt.fio; } /* JTVconvert */ /** * convertAllJTVfiles() - convert a list of sub directories of JTV * file sets by reading the three files from the each of the sub * directories in the jtvInputDir directory. It maps the .cdt file * in each sub directory to use the toHdrName column of the * equivalent mapHdrFile map Table instead of the * "EID:'mAdb ID'" as generated by mAdb. The mapping between "mAdb ID" * and short array names is done using the jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile * Table map. It then writes out the JTV subset to a created * sub directory in jtvOutputDir which has the same base name as * the input JTV sub directory being processed. The arguments are * in the Global variables *


   * The full switch is four arguments:
   *   '-jtvNamesMap:{mAdbArraySummaryFile,mapHdrFile,fromHdrName,toHdrName}'.
   * The optional switches are: '-jtvInputDir:{jtvInputDir}' and
   * '-jtvOutputDir:{jtvOutputSubDir}' to set the directories to
   * other than the defaults ("JTVinput" and "JTVoutput").
   * The JTV Global variable definitions are:
   *   jtvInputDir - where JTV input sub directories are found 
   *   jtvOutputDir - where JTV output sub directories are written
   *   jtvUseMapColName - column name used when remap the 'mAdb ID' data
   *   jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile - mAdb Array Summary file Table of "mAdb ID"s
   *   jtv_mapHdrNamesFile - long to short Affy name mapping Table.
* @return true if write out all of the files, false if there is an * error or abortProcessingFlag was set.. */ public boolean convertAllJTVfiles() { /* convertAllJTVfiles */ /* [1] Get and initialize the lists of JTV sub directories */ String jtvInputDir= cvt.jtvInputDir, jtvOutputDir= cvt.jtvOutputDir, jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile= cvt.jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile, jtv_mapHdrNamesFile= cvt.jtv_mapHdrNamesFile; String inputSubDirList[]= null, /* List of JTV subdirectories */ jtvInputFilePath= null, /* Single JTV directory or zip file path */ jtvFileBaseName= null; /* Single JTV directory or zip file base name */ int fromL2SmapColIdx= cvt.jtvUseMapFromColNbr-1, toL2SmapColIdx= cvt.jtvUseMapToColNbr-1; /* Force it to use the current file separators. */ jtvInputDir= fio.mapPathFileSeparators(jtvInputDir); jtvOutputDir= fio.mapPathFileSeparators(jtvOutputDir); /* Get list of data to convert. This will either be a list * of sub directories or .zip files to convert. * Try looking for .zip files before looking for sub directories. */ if(cvt.jtvSpecificInputFileList!=null) { /* get files from the "-files:f1,f2,...,fn" list */ inputSubDirList= UtilCM.cvs2Array(cvt.jtvSpecificInputFileList,","); } else { /* get zip files from the inputDataDir */ inputSubDirList= fio.getFilesInDir(jtvInputDir,".zip"); } /* It not zip directory then look for regular directory */ if(inputSubDirList==null) inputSubDirList= fio.getSubDirsInDir(jtvInputDir); /* try sub dirs */ if(inputSubDirList==null) { /* no data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV conversion, no subdirectories or zip files in" + " jtvInputDir '"+ jtvInputDir+"'\n"); return(false); } int nDirs= inputSubDirList.length; UtilCM.logMsg("JTV Input directory= '"+jtvInputDir+"'\n"+ "JTV Output directory= '"+jtvOutputDir+"'\n"+ "# of JTV sub directories= '"+nDirs+"'\n"); for(int i=0;i0) subDirDescription= UtilCM.mapAllkeywords(subDirDescription, cvt.mapDkeywords, cvt.mapDtoString, cvt.nMapDollarsigns); prolog2= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(prolog2, "$$DATA_DESCRIPTION$$", subDirDescription); epilogue2= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(epilogue2, "$$DATA_DESCRIPTION$$", subDirDescription); /* [3.2.3] For prolog2 or epilogue2 try to iteratively * substitute "$$INFILENAME$$" if found. */ while(true) { /* Get all instances to map */ String prolog2a= prolog2; prolog2= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(prolog2a, "$$INFILENAME$$", baseInputDir); if(prolog2a.equals(prolog2)) break; /* No change */ } /* Get all instances to map */ while(true) { /* Get all instances to map */ String epilogue2a= epilogue2; epilogue2= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(epilogue2a, "$$INFILENAME$$", baseInputDir); if(epilogue2a.equals(epilogue2)) break; /* No change */ } /* Get all instances to map */ /* [3.2.4] Do $$FILE_ZIP_EXTENSION$$ to same file name but * with ".zip extension" instead of ".txt". */ String zipName= baseInputDir+".zip"; prolog2= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(prolog2, "$$FILE_ZIP_EXTENSION$$", zipName); epilogue2= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(epilogue2, "$$FILE_ZIP_EXTENSION$$", zipName); /* [3.2.5] Try remap the button with "$$INFILENAME$$" substitution. */ String buttonName= UtilCM.replaceSubstrInString(cvt.jtvButtonName+" ", "$$INFILENAME$$", baseInputDir); /* Remap any additional $$keyword$$ tokens set by -mapDollarsigns. */ if(cvt.nMapDollarsigns>0) buttonName= UtilCM.mapAllkeywords(buttonName,cvt.mapDkeywords, cvt.mapDtoString, cvt.nMapDollarsigns); /* [3.2.6] Add the prolog if it exists */ if(prolog2!=null && prolog2.length()!=0) jtvHTMLstr += prolog2; /* [3.2.7] Add the code to invoke the JTV applet on this * sub directory. */ String sCODE= "edu/stanford/genetics/treeview/applet/ButtonApplet.class", sArchive= "TreeViewApplet.jar,nanoxml-2.2.2.jar,plugins/" + "Dendrogram.jar", sAlt= "Your browser understands the <APPLET> " + "tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason.", sCdtFile= baseInputDir +"/JTVcvt.cdt", sCddtName= buttonName, sPlugins= "edu.stanford.genetics.treeview.plugin.dendroview."+ "DendrogramFactory"; /* Adjust the width for the length of sCddtName - estimated. */ int width= (int)(250*(sCddtName.length()/33.0)), height= 30; String appletHTMLstr= "\n\n"+ " Your browser is ignoring the <APPLET> tag! Look "+ "in your navigator bar or preferences to enable Java\"\n"+ " \n"+ " \n"+ " \n"+ "\n\n"; jtvHTMLstr += appletHTMLstr; /* [3.2.8] Add epilogue if it exists */ if(epilogue2!=null && epilogue2.length()!=0) jtvHTMLstr += epilogue2; /* [3.2.9] Write out the HTML file */ String jtvHTMLfilePath= jtvOutputDir+cvt.fileSep+jtvHTMLfile; jtvHTMLfilePath= fio.mapPathFileSeparators(jtvHTMLfilePath); /* Ensure right file sep */ fio.makePathSubDirs(jtvHTMLfilePath); if(!fio.writeStringToFile(jtvHTMLfilePath, jtvHTMLstr)) { UtilCM.logMsg("Problem writing JTV HTML '" + jtvHTMLfile + "'\n"); return (false); } UtilCM.logMsg("Converted JTV ["+(i+1)+"] HTML = '"+ jtvHTMLfile+ "'\n"); /* Add it to the generated HTML file list */ cvt.addNameOfHTMLfile(jtvHTMLfilePath); /* [3.2.10] ReZip the converted files in the output JTV directory * in a file with the same name. Set by '-jtvReZipConvertedFiles'. * Note: we do not want to copy the JTVoutput/ as part of the zip * files, so temporarily change the Java current directory so * we don't do this AND change it back when we are done. */ if(cvt.jtvReZipConvertedFiles) { /* Zip the new files */ fio.errMsgLog= ""; /* reset error msg */ if(!reZipConvertedFiles(baseInputDir)) { UtilCM.logMsg("Problem re-zipping converted file '" + baseInputDir + "'\n"+fio.errMsgLog+ "\n - continuing.\n"); //return (false); } } /* Zip the new files */ } /* Generate HTML file for each sub directory */ } /* process input directory inputSubDirList[i] */ /* [4] If "-jtvCopyJTVjars:{JTV jars directory}" is set, * then copy JTVjar/ applet .jar file tree to the JTVinput/. */ if(cvt.jtvHTMLgenerateFlag && cvt.jtvCopyJTVjars!=null) { /* copy JTVjar/ applet .jar files to JTVoutput/ */ if(!copyJTVjarFilesToJTVOutputDir()) return(false); } /* copy JTVjar/ applet .jar files to JTVoutput/ */ UtilCM.logMsg("Finished converting all JTV "+nDirs+ " sub directories.\n"); return(true); } /* convertAllJTVfiles */ /** * getUnzippedJTVzipFileData() - get array of name & data for zip file. * There should be 3 files in the zip file ending in * [0]".atr", [1].cdt", [2]".gtr" *
   * Unzip the JTV data into dataList[0:nEntries-1][0:1].
   * where:
   *    dataList[*][0] = file names
   *    dataList[*][1] = unzipped data for each file 
* @param zipFileName is a JTV zip file to read * @return true if succeed */ private String[][] getUnzippedJTVzipFileData(String jtvZipFileNamePath) { /* getUnzippedJTVzipFileData */ String dataList[][]= fio.readAllZipEntries(jtvZipFileNamePath); /* Validate the data list */ if(dataList==null || dataList.length!=3) return(null); /* Check for the three file extensions are in alphabetical order * [0]".atr", [1].cdt", [2]".gtr" */ int atrIdx= -1, cdtIdx= -1, gtrIdx= -1; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) if(dataList[i][0].endsWith(".atr")) atrIdx= i; else if(dataList[i][0].endsWith(".cdt")) cdtIdx= i; else if(dataList[i][0].endsWith(".gtr")) gtrIdx= i; /* Make sorted copy */ if(atrIdx==-1 || cdtIdx==-1 || gtrIdx==-1) return(null); /* File contents should exist */ String sData[]= new String[3]; sData[0]= dataList[0][1]; sData[1]= dataList[1][1]; sData[2]= dataList[2][1]; if(sData[0].length()==0 || sData[1].length()==0 || sData[2].length()==0) return(null); /* This sorts it alphabetically */ dataList[0][1] = new String(sData[atrIdx]); dataList[1][1] = new String(sData[cdtIdx]); dataList[2][1] = new String(sData[gtrIdx]); return(dataList); } /* getUnzippedJTVzipFileData */ /** * getJTVsubDirData() - get array of name & data for the JTV directory. * There should be 3 files in the unzipped directory ending in * ".atr", .cdt", ".gtr" *
   * Return the JTV data in dataList[0:nEntries-1][0:1].
   * where:
   *    dataList[*][0] = file names
   *    dataList[*][1] = data for each file 
* @param inputSubDir is a JTV subdiredtory to read * @return true if succeed */ private String[][] getJTVsubDirData(String inputSubDir) { /* getJTVsubDirData */ String dataList[][]= new String[3][], jtvInputSubDir= cvt.jtvInputDir+cvt.fileSep+inputSubDir; /* Get the list of file names */ String jtvATRsrc[]= fio.getFilesInDir(jtvInputSubDir,".atr"), jtvCDTsrc[]= fio.getFilesInDir(jtvInputSubDir,".cdt"), jtvGTRsrc[]= fio.getFilesInDir(jtvInputSubDir,".gtr"); /* Check for the three file extensions */ if(jtvATRsrc==null || jtvCDTsrc==null || jtvGTRsrc==null || jtvATRsrc.length!=1 || jtvCDTsrc.length!=1 || jtvGTRsrc.length!=1) return(null); /* Setup the file paths */ String jtvATRinfile= jtvATRsrc[0], jtvCDTinfile= jtvCDTsrc[0], jtvGTRinfile= jtvGTRsrc[0], jtvATRinPath= jtvInputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+jtvATRinfile, jtvCDTinPath= jtvInputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+jtvCDTinfile, jtvGTRinPath= jtvInputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+jtvGTRinfile; /* Read the three input files */ String jtvATRstr= fio.readFileAsString(jtvATRinPath), jtvCDTstr= fio.readFileAsString(jtvCDTinPath), jtvGTRstr= fio.readFileAsString(jtvGTRinPath); /* File contents should exist */ if(jtvATRstr==null || jtvCDTstr==null || jtvGTRstr==null) return(null); /* make 2nd dim */ for(int i=0;i<3;i++) dataList[i]= new String[2]; dataList[0][0]= jtvATRinfile; /* Save the names */ dataList[1][0]= jtvCDTinfile; dataList[2][0]= jtvGTRinfile; dataList[0][1]= jtvATRstr; /* Save the data */ dataList[1][1]= jtvCDTstr; dataList[2][1]= jtvGTRstr; return(dataList); } /* getJTVsubDirData */ /** * cvtJTVfileSet() - convert a sub directory JTV file set * by reading the three files from the (jtvInputDir+inputSubDir) * sub directory with (.atr,.cdt,.gtr) file extensions. It then maps * the .cdt file to use the jtvUseMapColNbr column of the equivalent * jtv_mapHdrNamesFile instead of the "EID:'mAdb ID'" * as generated for the JTV by mAdb. The mapping between "mAdb ID" * and short array names is done using the jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile * Table map. It then writes out the JTV subset to a created * sub directory (jtvOutputDir+inputSubDir) which has the same * base name as the input directory. *

* [REFACTOR] to separate JTVconverter program from HTMLtools. * @param jtvInputFilePath - is the input sub directory to process (not * the full path - need to preface with jtvInputDir * to get the full path). If the inputSubDir is * a file ending in .zip, then read the dataList * by unzipping that file. * * @param jtvFileBaseName is the single JTV directory or zip file base name * @param jtvInputDir - directory to find the set of input JTV * sub directories, each with (.atr,.cdt,.gtr) * extension files. * @param jtvOutputDir - directory to write the converted JTV output * sub directory. * @param fromL2SmapColIdx - column index used when remap the * 'mAdb ID' data FROM a mapping data name with this * column in the jtv_mapHdrNamesFile map. * @param toL2SmapColIdx - column index used when remap the * 'mAdb ID' data TO a new data name with this column in * the jtv_mapHdrNamesFile map. * @param jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile - name of the mAdb Array Summary file * that contains a (MAS) Table with "mAdb ID" and * the corresponding "Array Name". * @param jtv_mapHdrNamesFile - is the name of the Long to * Short array name mapping file that contains a * (L2S)Table with the array names as well as the * alternate array names that are used in the mapping. * @return true if succeed, */ private boolean cvtJTVfileSet(String jtvInputFilePath, String jtvFileBaseName, String jtvInputDir, String jtvOutputDir, int fromL2SmapColIdx, int toL2SmapColIdx, String jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile, String jtv_mapHdrNamesFile) { /* cvtJTVfileSet */ /* [1] Lookup the names and data of the 3 input files in the JTV * sub directory. Get array of name & data for the JTV directory. * There should be 3 files in the unzipped directory ending in * ".atr", .cdt", ".gtr" * It creates a data structure of the JTV data in * dataList[0:nEntries-1][0:1] * where: * dataList[*][0] = file names * dataList[*][1] = data for each file. * Note that it will unzip and get the data if the inputSubDir * is actually a .zip file, otherwise it will read the contents * of the sub directory. */ String dataList[][]= null; if(jtvInputFilePath.endsWith(".zip")) { dataList= getUnzippedJTVzipFileData(jtvInputFilePath); if(dataList==null) { /* Bad data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV data, no files in zip file '" + jtvInputFilePath+"'\n"); return(false); } } else { /* Get list of files in the directory */ dataList= getJTVsubDirData(jtvInputFilePath); if(dataList==null) { /* Bad data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV data, no files in directory '" + jtvInputFilePath+"'\n"); return(false); } } /* [1.1] Get the names and paths of the three input files */ String jtvATRinfile= dataList[0][0], jtvCDTinfile= dataList[1][0], jtvGTRinfile= dataList[2][0], baseInputFile= jtvATRinfile.substring(0,jtvATRinfile.length()-4), jtvOutputSubDir= jtvOutputDir +cvt.fileSep + jtvFileBaseName; /* Remove the ".zip" if it is there in the output directory */ if(jtvOutputSubDir.endsWith(".zip")) jtvOutputSubDir= jtvOutputSubDir.substring(0,jtvOutputSubDir.length()-4); /* [1.2] Get the data from the three input files. */ String jtvATRstr= dataList[0][1], jtvCDTstr= dataList[1][1], jtvGTRstr= dataList[2][1]; UtilCM.logMsg(" Read JTV files from \n '"+ jtvInputFilePath+cvt.fileSep+"'\n"+ " "+jtvATRinfile+"\n"+ " "+jtvCDTinfile+"\n"+ " "+jtvGTRinfile+"\n"); /* [2] Try to parse the .cdt file string as a Table. */ FileTable ftCDT= createTableFromStr(jtvCDTstr, "CDT-Table"); if(ftCDT==null) { /* Bad CDT data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV conversion, bad .cdt Table file data for '" + jtvInputFilePath+"' CDF file '"+ jtvCDTinfile+"'\n"+FileTable.lastErrMsgLog+"\n"); /* Clean (remove) header and data enclosing whitespace */ ftCDT.trimTableEnclWhitespace(true,true); return(false); } /* [3] Use the jtv_mapHdrNamesFile Table ftL2S (setup by Switches * parser) that contains is the list of the target names to remap the * .cdt column headers. */ FileTable ftL2S= cvt.ftL2S; if(ftL2S==null) { /* Bad Long2Short data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV conversion, bad header names map Table file, '" + jtv_mapHdrNamesFile+"'\n"+FileTable.lastErrMsgLog+"\n"); return(false); } /* [4] Read the ftMAS Table from the jtv_mapHdrNamesFile * that contains is the list of the target names to remap the * .cdt column headers. */ FileTable ftMAS= createTableAtKeywordLine(jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile, "mAdbArraySummary-Table", "mAdb ID"); if(ftMAS==null) { /* Bad mAdbArraySummary data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV conversion, bad mAdbArraySummary map Table file, '" + jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile+"'\n"+ FileTable.lastErrMsgLog+"\n"); return(false); } /* [5] Create a map Table from ftL2S and ftMAS. Do this by * creating Map Table ftM from the ftL2S Table by adding the * "mAdb ID" data in ftL2S to the matching array name row * in ftL2S using the ftMAS "Array Name". */ FileTable ftM= makeMapTable(ftL2S, ftMAS, fromL2SmapColIdx, toL2SmapColIdx, "Map-Table"); if(ftM==null) { /* problem creating Map-Table data */ UtilCM.logMsg("Problem creating JTV Map-Table.\n"+ FileTable.lastErrMsgLog+"\n"); return(false); } /* [6] Map 'mAdb ID's to CDT array names. Do this by mapping * Table ftM "mAdbID" data to map the header names doing * partial match of the ftCDT.tFields[] data of the form * "EID:#" where the # is the matching ftM "mAdbID" data for * ftM row rM. For each match, replace the header with ftM * jtvToMapColNbr data for row rM. */ String toFieldName= ftL2S.tFields[toL2SmapColIdx]; int idx_toNameMap_M= ftM.lookupFieldIdx(toFieldName), idx_mAdbID_M= ftM.lookupFieldIdx("mAdb ID"); if(!applyMapTableToCDT(ftM, ftCDT, idx_toNameMap_M, idx_mAdbID_M)) { /* problem making map table */ UtilCM.logMsg("Problem mapping JTV CDT file 'mAdb ID' to" + " array ID names.\n"); return(false); } else UtilCM.logMsg(" Finished mapping CDT file 'mAdb ID' to " + "array ID names.\n"); /* [6.1] Reorder 'NAME' subfields in CDT all rows of data to improve * usability in JTV browser. * Reorder: * "WID:... || xxxxxx_at || MAP:... || gene -- geneDescr. || RID:..." * to * "xxxxxx_at || gene -- geneDescr. || WID:... || MAP:... || RID:..." */ if(!reorderNAMEsubfieldsInCDT(ftCDT)) { /* problem making map table */ UtilCM.logMsg("Problem reordering 'NAME' subfields in all CDT data.\n"); return(false); } else UtilCM.logMsg(" Finished reordering 'NAME' subfields in CDT all data.\n"); /* [7] Convert the modified ftCDT Table to a tab-delimited * string to write out. */ String jtvCDTstrMapped= ftCDT.cvtTableToTabDelimStr(true); /* [8] Create output sub directory with the same name if it does * not already exist. Since it will reside in jtvOutputDir * it is ok to have the same name as the input sub directory. */ if(jtvOutputSubDir.endsWith(".zip")) jtvOutputSubDir= jtvOutputSubDir.substring(0,jtvOutputSubDir.length()-4); if(!fio.makeDirectory(jtvOutputSubDir,true)) { /* Ouput problem */ UtilCM.logMsg("Bad JTV conversion, can't create output directory, '" + jtvOutputSubDir+"'\n"); return(false); } /* [9] Create output file name paths. Note for the outBaseName * we can use either the input base name or a hard wired name * "JTVcvt". Since the JTV applet arg list gives the * sub directory path, it is not a problem if the actual files * have the same name. * */ String outBaseName= baseInputFile; /* same as input files */ outBaseName= "JTVcvt"; /* or use alternate base file name */ /* Ensure right file separator */ jtvOutputSubDir= fio.mapPathFileSeparators(jtvOutputSubDir); fio.makeDirectory(jtvOutputSubDir,true); String jtvATRoutPath= jtvOutputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+outBaseName+".atr", jtvCDToutPath= jtvOutputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+outBaseName+".cdt", jtvGTRoutPath= jtvOutputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+outBaseName+".gtr"; fio.makePathSubDirs(jtvOutputSubDir); /* [10] Copy & rename the .atr & .gtr files to the output directory */ boolean atrOK= fio.writeStringToFile(jtvATRoutPath, jtvATRstr), cdtOK= fio.writeStringToFile(jtvCDToutPath, jtvCDTstrMapped), gtrOK= fio.writeStringToFile(jtvGTRoutPath, jtvGTRstr); if(!atrOK || !cdtOK || !gtrOK) { /* Output problem */ UtilCM.logMsg("Problem writing JTV files:"+ " ATR("+atrOK+")"+" CDT("+cdtOK+")"+ " GTR("+gtrOK+")"+"'\n"); return(false); } UtilCM.logMsg(" Created JTV output files in directory\n '"+ jtvOutputSubDir+cvt.fileSep+"'\n"+ " "+outBaseName+".atr"+"\n"+ " "+outBaseName+".cdt"+"\n"+ " "+outBaseName+".gtr"+"\n"); return(true); } /* cvtJTVfileSet */ /** * createTableFromStr() - create Table by parsing tab-delim. string * @param tblStr - a tab-delimited string * @param tblName - of the table * @return the FileTable created, else null */ private FileTable createTableFromStr(String tblStr, String tblName) { /* createTableFromStr */ FileTable ft= new FileTable(tblName); ft.setHasTableHeaderFlag(true); ft.setDuplicateFieldsFlag(false); ft.setNbrTableHdrLines(1); ft.setRmvTrailingBlankLinesFlag(false); ft.setHasEmptyLineBeforeTableFlag(false); /* Create the ft Table from the string. */ if(!ft.parseTableFromString(tblStr)) return(null); /* Clean (remove) header and data enclosing whitespace */ ft.trimTableEnclWhitespace(true,true); return(ft); } /* createTableFromStr */ /** * createTableFromFile() - create Table from file tab-delim. string. * @param filePath - full path of the table file to read * @param tblName - of the table * @return the FileTable created, else null */ private FileTable createTableFromFile(String filePath, String tblName) { /* createTableFromFile */ FileTable ft= new FileTable(tblName); ft.setHasTableHeaderFlag(true); ft.setDuplicateFieldsFlag(false); ft.setNbrTableHdrLines(1); ft.setRmvTrailingBlankLinesFlag(false); ft.setHasEmptyLineBeforeTableFlag(false); /* Read the table file as a ft Table. */ if(!ft.readAndParseTable(filePath)) return(null); /* Clean (remove) header and data enclosing whitespace */ ft.trimTableEnclWhitespace(true,true); return(ft); } /* createTableFromFile */ /** * createTableAtKeywordLine() - create Table starting at hdr keyword. * It starts parsing the tab-delimited string read from the file * at the header row that contains the keyword. * @param filePath - full path of the table file to read * @param tblName - of the table * @param keyword - contained in the table header row. * @return the FileTable created, else null */ private FileTable createTableAtKeywordLine(String filePath, String tblName, String keyword) { /* createTableAtKeywordLine */ FileTable ft= new FileTable(tblName); ft.setHasTableHeaderFlag(true); ft.setDuplicateFieldsFlag(false); ft.setNbrTableHdrLines(1); ft.setRmvTrailingBlankLinesFlag(false); ft.setHasEmptyLineBeforeTableFlag(false); ft.setStartTableAtColStr(keyword); /* skip front of file */ /* Read the table file as a ft Table. */ if(!ft.readAndParseTable(filePath)) return(null); /* Clean (remove) header and data enclosing whitespace */ ft.trimTableEnclWhitespace(true,true); return(ft); } /* createTableAtKeywordLine */ /** * makeMapTable() - create map Table from ftL2S and ftMAS. * Create Map Table ftM from the ftL2S Table by adding the * "mAdb ID" data in ftL2S to the matching array name row * in ftL2S using the ftMAS "Array Name". * Note: This mapping depends on formats of: * 1) mAdb "Array Summary Table" .CEL file name in field "Array Name" * and the 2) GSP "LongToShortMap" generated from the "Affy .CEL file" * field in the individual "EGxxx" Tables. * Because of the special dependence on the mAdb "Array Summary Table" * this uses special [HACK]s. * @param ftL2S - LongToShortMap Table * @param ftMAS - mAdb Array Summary Table * @param fromL2SmapColIdx - column index used when remap the * 'mAdb ID' data FROM a mapping data name with this * column in the jtv_mapHdrNamesFile map. * @param toL2SmapColIdx - column index used when remap the * 'mAdb ID' data TO a new data name with this column in * the jtv_mapHdrNamesFile map. * @param tblName - of the table * @return the FileTable map (ftM) created, else null */ private FileTable makeMapTable(FileTable ftL2S, FileTable ftMAS, int fromL2SmapColIdx, int toL2SmapColIdx, String tblName) { /* makeMapTable */ /* [1] Create Map Table ftM of the ftMAS "mAdb ID" data to the * GSP IDs in ftL2S using the .CEL "Array Name" in the * mAdb Array Summary Table. */ FileTable ftM= new FileTable("Map-Table"); int idx_fromMapName_M= -1, idx_toMapName_M= -1, idx_mAdb_ID_M= -1; /* [2] Copy the map columns from Table ftL2S to ftM Table. */ String colName, colData[]= null; if(ftL2S==null || fromL2SmapColIdx<0 || toL2SmapColIdx<0) return(null); /* bad indexes */ for(int c=0;c * Reorder: * "WID:... || xxxxxx_at || MAP:... || gene -- geneDescr. || RID:..." * to * "gene -- geneDescr. || xxxxxx_at || WID:... || MAP:... || RID:..." * * @param ftCDT - CDT table containing rows of data to reorder NAME field. * @return true if succeed */ private boolean reorderNAMEsubfieldsInCDT(FileTable ftCDT) { /* reorderNAMEsubfieldsInCDT */ if(ftCDT==null) return(false); /* [1] Get and reanalyze each row */ int idxVBAR= -1, idxYORF= ftCDT.lookupFieldIdx("YORF"), /* C version of hier.cluster */ idxUNIQID= ftCDT.lookupFieldIdx("UNIQID"), /* R version of hier.cluster */ idxNAME= ftCDT.lookupFieldIdx("NAME"); if(idxNAME==-1) return(false); /* no data */ /* [HACK] use either YORF or UNIQID whichever exists... */ if(idxYORF==-1) idxYORF= idxUNIQID; /* alternate format */ /* [2] Get and reanalyze each row */ String sWID= null, sFeatureID= null, sMAP= null, sGene_GeneDescr= null, sRID= null; String sYORF= null, sNAME= null, roNAME= null, rowData[]= null, sTmp= null; for(int r=0;r * [DEBUG] problem with directory level in FileTable.writeZipFile(). It contains * the parent directory in the Zip file. * @param baseDirToZip is the base directory to zip in current directory * but save it in the cvt.jtvInputDir directory. * @return true if succeed */ private boolean reZipConvertedFiles(String baseDirToZip) { /* reZipConvertedFiles */ boolean OLD_VERSION= true; fio.errMsgLog= ""; if(OLD_VERSION && cvt.jtvReZipConvertedFiles) { /* Zip the new files */ String jtvOutDirTreePath= cvt.jtvOutputDir + cvt.fileSep + baseDirToZip, zipOutfile= jtvOutDirTreePath + ".zip"; if(!fio.writeZipFile(jtvOutDirTreePath, zipOutfile)) { UtilCM.logMsg("Problem [OLD] re-zipping converted file '" + jtvOutDirTreePath + "'\n"+fio.errMsgLog + "\n - continuing.\n"); return (false); } return(true); } /* Zip the new files */ if(!OLD_VERSION && cvt.jtvReZipConvertedFiles) { /* Zip the new files */ String curPath= System.getProperty("user.dir"), newWorkingPath= curPath + cvt.fileSep + cvt.jtvOutputDir, zipOutfile= baseDirToZip + ".zip"; //outputZipPath= cvt.jtvOutputDir + cvt.fileSep + zipOutfile; /* Move to the JTVinput dir where base dir resides */ System.setProperty("user.dir", newWorkingPath); String DBUGnewCurPath= System.getProperty("user.dir"); if(!fio.writeZipFile(baseDirToZip, zipOutfile)) { UtilCM.logMsg("Problem [NEW] re-zipping converted file '" + baseDirToZip + "'\n"+fio.errMsgLog+ "\n - continuing.\n"); System.setProperty("user.dir", curPath); return (false); } System.setProperty("user.dir", curPath); String DBUGfinalCurPath= System.getProperty("user.dir"); return(true); } /* Zip the new files */ return(true); } /* reZipConvertedFiles */ } /* end of class JTVconvert */