/** File: UtilCM.java */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.URL; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; import O2PlibSS.gui.*; /** * Collection of utility functions used by various other classes. *
 * List of Methods
 * clearDebugNameValuePairs() - clear DEBUG (name,value) list
 * setDebugNameValue() - set DEBUG (name,value) pair.
 * testDebugValue - test if str is indexOf() value if name is debug(name,value).
 * testDebugValue - test DEBUG value is indexOf(str) if name is debug(name,value).
 * logMsg() - print a message
 * setReportTextArea() - assign report text area in popup report GUI window
 * setReportStatusLineTextField() - assign report status line GUI text field
 * setReportStatusLineLabel() - assign report status line label in GUI
 * appendPRmsg() - append message to  report text area in GUI window
 * updateReportStatusLine() - set status line message if text field in GUI
 * dateStr() - return the current date stamp
 * timeStr() - return the current time stamp
 * getCurTimeStr() - return current time string in the format of HHMMSS.
 * mapCRLF2space() - map CRLFs in the string to spaces
 * mapCRLForCR2LF() - map all CRLF or CR(not LF) to LF
 * mapComma2Tab() - map "," to "\t" in the string
 * mapIllegalChars() - map illegal characters to '_'
 * mapSpaceToMinus() - map " " to "-"
 * removeQuotes() - remove '\"' characters from string
 * isEmptyArray() - test if array consists of empty data elements
 * isNumber() - test if a string is a number (i.e., Double)
 * cvf2s() - convert float to string with precision  # of digits
 * cvd2s() - convert double to string with precision  # of digits
 * cvs2d() - convert String to double
 * cvs2f() - convert String to float
 * cvs2i() - convert String to int
 * cvs2long() - convert String to long
 * cvb2s() - convert boolean String
 * cvs2l() - convert String to long
 * cvs2b() - convert String to boolean 
 * cvs2ArrayNullFill() - cvt arg list "1,4,3,6,..."  to "," fill nulls.
 * cvs2Array() - cvt arg list "1,4,3,6,..."  to "," - delim String[]. 
 * rightSizeArray() - extend or shrink an array to requiredSize.
 * cloneString() - clone a copy of a String array
 * lookupDataIdx() - lookup index of element if exists in a strData[].
 * isListInAnotherList() - test if all listA in listB order independent.
 * mapAllkeywords() - map data from 'keyword' to 'toString' lists.
 * rmvRtnChars() - remove return chars. Map '\r' or "\r\n" to '\n' chars. 
 * rmvSpecifiedChar() - remove specified character from string.
 * rmvEnclosingWhitespace() - remove enclosing whitespace from string
 * trimArrayEnclWhitespace() - trim (clean) enclosing white space in 1D array.
 * removeEmptyStringsFromArray() - remove nulls and empty Strings in 1D array.
 * getCleanArgList() - convert string arg list delimited by "", "," or "\n" to array
 * replaceSpaceWithCommaSpaceDelim() - replace " "-delimited list with ", " list 
 * replaceSubstrInString() - recursively replace oldToken w/newToken in str
 * changeWorkingDirectory() - change the working directory
 * cvDeltaTime2str() - convert a delta epoch time msec to a string
 * off_timer() - Compute the time banner String 
 * on_timer() - Get the current time (in milliseconds)
 * sleepMsec() - sleep for mSec.
 * appendElementToArray() - Append String element to String array.  
 * startsWithIgnoreCase() - test if str starts with startStr ignoring case
 * endsWithIgnoreCase() - test if str ends with endsStr ignoring case
 * indexOfIgnoreCase() - indexOf subStr of str ignoring case.
 * cvtHTMLcolorNameToHex() - map HTML color name to HEX value string
 * updateJarFile() - update .jar file from URL into program install area.
 * copyFile() - binary copy of one file or URL to a local file
 * readBytesFromURL() - read binary data from URL into byte[] array.
 * deleteLocalFile() - delete local file.

* This code is available at the HTMLtools project on SourceForge at * http://htmltools.sourceforge.net/ * under the "Common Public License Version 1.0" * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php.


* It was derived and refactored from the open source * MAExplorer (http://maexplorer.sourceforge.net/), and * Open2Dprot (http://Open2Dprot.sourceforge.net/) Table modules. *

* $Date: 2009/11/26 11:45:56 $ $Revision: 1.38 $ *
* Copyright 2008, 2009 by Peter Lemkin * E-Mail: lemkin@users.sourceforge.net * http://lemkingroup.com/ */ public class UtilCM { /** Default value of int for cvs2i() calls */ public static int defaultInt= 0; /** Default value of float for cvs2f() calls */ public static float defaultFloat= 0.0F; /** Local logging flag. If set, then logMsg() output is also * printed to System.out */ public static boolean loggingFlag; /** logging String if loggingFlag enabled */ public volatile static String loggingStr; /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report Window Text area state */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Report text area will output appendPRmsg if not null. * This is set with setReportTextArea(). */ public volatile static JTextArea rptTextArea= null; /** Optional Big Report PopupTextViewer text area will output appendPRmsg * if not null. This is set with setBigReportTextViewer(). */ public volatile static PopupTextViewer ptViewer= null; /** Report text field will output updateReportStatusLine if not null. * This is set with setReportStatusLineTextField(). */ public volatile static JTextField rptStatusLineTextField= null; /** Report Label will output updateReportStatusLine if not null. * This is set with setReportStatusLineLabel(). */ public volatile static JLabel rptStatusLineLabel= null; /* ------------------ DEBUG facility ------------------- */ /** Maximum number of debug(name,value) pairs */ final public static int MAX_DEBUGS= 10; /** Current number of debug(name,value) pairs */ public static int nDebugPairs= 0; /** Name list for Debug facility of (name,value) pairs */ public static String debugName[]= null; /** Value list for Debug facility of (name,value) pairs */ public static String debugValue[]= null; /** * UtilCM() - constructor for setup utility pkg for additional * UtilCM instances. NOTE: you should call the logging version * of the Constructor first or make a call to setLogMsgs that * otherwise. * @param loggingFlag */ public UtilCM() { /* UtilCM */ if(debugName==null) clearDebugNameValuePairs(); } /* UtilCM */ /** * UtilCM() - constructor for setup utility pkg * @param loggingFlag */ public UtilCM(boolean loggingFlag) { /* UtilCM */ UtilCM.loggingFlag= loggingFlag; UtilCM.loggingStr= ""; if(debugName==null) clearDebugNameValuePairs(); } /* UtilCM */ /** * clearDebugNameValuePairs() - clear DEBUG (name,value) list */ public static void clearDebugNameValuePairs() { /* clearDebugNameValuePairs */ debugName= new String[MAX_DEBUGS]; debugValue= new String[MAX_DEBUGS]; nDebugPairs= 0; } /* clearDebugNameValuePairs */ /** * setDebugNameValue() - set DEBUG (name,value) pair. * @param name of the debug pair. * @param value to associate with debug name pair. * @return true if successful * @see #getDebugValue */ public static boolean setDebugNameValue(String name, String value) { /* setDebugNameValue */ int n= -1; for(int i= 0;i to LF * @param rawData raw data representing string table to analyze * @return mapped string */ public static String mapCRLForCR2LF(String rawData) { /* mapCRLForCR2LF */ if(rawData==null || rawData.length()==0) return(rawData); char ch= 0, chP1= 0, /* look ahead +1 */ inputBuf[]= rawData.toCharArray(); int xStart= 0, /* input buffer pointer */ xOut= 0, /* output buffer pointer */ bufSize= inputBuf.length; char outBuf[]= new char[bufSize]; /* [1] Process: look for CRLF or CR to map to LF */ while(xStart < bufSize) { /* look for blank line */ ch= inputBuf[xStart]; /* Test if double character line terminator */ if(ch == '\r' && ((xStart - 1) < bufSize)) { /* found CR - analyze further */ chP1= inputBuf[xStart + 1]; /* look ahead */ if(chP1 == '\n') /* CRLF */ { /* found CRLF - skip 2nd char, LF, since in CRLF pair */ xStart++; } xStart++; outBuf[xOut++]= '\n'; /* Map both CR or CRLF to LF */ } /* found CR - analyze further */ else { /* Not CR, so just copy it */ xStart++; outBuf[xOut++]= ch; /* Map both CR or CRLF to LF */ } } /* look for blank line */ String sOut= new String(outBuf, 0, xOut); return (sOut); } /* mapCRLForCR2LF */ /** * mapComma2Tab() - map "," to "\t" in the string * @param s input string to map * @return mapped string */ public static String mapComma2Tab(String s) { /* mapComma2Tab */ if(s==null) return(null); String sR= ""; char ch, /* current character */ sBuf[]= s.toCharArray(); /* cvt input string to char[]*/ int sSize= s.length(), /* size of input buffer */ sCtr= 0; /* working input buffer index */ while(sCtr=0;i--) { ch= str.charAt(i); if(ch==' ' ||ch=='\t' || ch==':' || ch==';' || ch=='\"' || ch==',' || ch=='@' || ch=='*' || ch=='=' || ch=='\'') ch= '_'; cBuf[i]= ch; } sR= new String(cBuf); return(sR); } /* mapIllegalChars */ /** * mapSpaceToMinus() - map " " to "-" * @param str to map * @return mapped string */ public static String mapSpaceToMinus(String str) { /* mapSpaceToMinus */ if(str==null) return(null); String sR= ""; char ch, /* current character */ sBuf[]= str.toCharArray(); /* cvt input string to char[]*/ int sSize= str.length(), /* size of input buffer */ sCtr= 0; /* working input buffer index */ while(sCtr0) return(false); return(true); } /* isEmptyArray */ /** * isNumber() - test if a string is a number (i.e., Double) * @param str is the string to test if it is a number * @return value of string */ public static boolean isNumber(String str) { /* isNumber */ double d; /* not used directly, but need to trap NaN exception */ try { Double D= new Double(str); d= D.doubleValue(); /* force exception if NaN */ } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return(false); } return(true); } /* isNumber */ /** * cvf2s() - convert float to string with precision # of digits * If precision > 0 then limit # of digits in fraction * @param v is the value to convert * @param precision is the # of digits to display * @return string approximating "%0.pd" */ public static String cvf2s(float v, int precision) {/* cvf2s */ NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(precision); nf.setGroupingUsed(false); String s= nf.format(v); return(s); }/* cvf2s */ /** * cvd2s() - convert double to string with precision # of digits * If precision > 0 then limit # of digits in fraction * @param v is the value to convert * @param precision is the # of digits to display * @return string approximating "%0.pd" */ public static String cvd2s(double v, int precision) {/* cvf2s */ NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(precision); nf.setGroupingUsed(false); String s= nf.format(v); return(s); }/* cvd2s */ /** * cvs2d() - convert String to double * @param str is the string to convert to a number * @return value of string */ public static double cvs2d(String str) { /*cvs2d */ double d; try { Double D= new Double(str); d= D.doubleValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { d= (double)defaultFloat; } return(d); } /*cvs2d */ /** * cvs2f() - convert String to float * @param str is the string to convert to a number * @return value of string */ public static float cvs2f(String str) { /* cvs2f */ float f; try { Float F= new Float(str); f= F.floatValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { f= defaultFloat; } return(f); } /* cvs2f */ /** * cvs2f() - convert String to float * @param str is the string to convert to a number * @param defVal is the explicit default value * @return value of string */ public static float cvs2f(String str, float defVal) { /* cvs2f */ float f; try { Float F= new Float(str); f= F.floatValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { f= defVal; } return(f); } /* cvs2f */ /** * cvs2i() - convert String to int * @param str is the string to convert to a number * @return value of string */ public static int cvs2i(String str) { /* cvs2i */ int i; try { i= java.lang.Integer.parseInt(str); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { i= defaultInt; } return(i); } /* cvs2i */ /** * cvs2i() - convert String to int * @param str is the string to convert to a number * @param defVal is the explicit default value * @return value of string */ public static int cvs2i(String str, int defVal) { /* cvs2i */ int i; try { i= java.lang.Integer.parseInt(str); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { i= defVal; } return(i); } /* cvs2i */ /** * cvs2long() - convert String to long * @param str is the string to convert to a long number * @return value of string */ public static long cvs2long(String str) { /* cvs2long */ long i; try { i= java.lang.Long.parseLong(str); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { i= defaultInt; } return(i); } /* cvs2long */ /** * cvb2s() - convert boolean String * @param b is boolean input to convert * @return output string as either "true" or "false" */ public static String cvb2s(boolean b) { /* cvb2s */ if(b) return("true"); else return("false"); } /* cvb2s */ /** * cvs2l() - convert String to long * @param str containing integer to convert to long * @return converted number else defaultLong if illegal number. */ public static long cvs2l(String str, long defaultLong) { /* cvs2l */ if(str==null) return(defaultLong); long lV= defaultLong; if(str != null) { try { Long L= new Long(str); lV= L.longValue(); } catch(NumberFormatException e) {lV= defaultLong;} return(lV); } return(lV); } /* cvs2l */ /** * cvs2b() - convert String to boolean * @param str containing either "true" or "false" * @return converted boolean else false if illegal boolean name. */ public static boolean cvs2b(String str, boolean defaultBool) { /* cvs2i */ if(str==null) return(defaultBool); boolean b= defaultBool; if(str.equals("TRUE") || str.equals("true") || str.equals("T") || str.equals("t") || str.equals("1")) b= true; return(b); } /* cvs2b */ /** * cvs2ArrayNullFill() - cvt arg list "1,4,3,6,..." to "," fill nulls. * Also, if the delimiter is not "\r" remove all "\r"s, and if * the delimiter is not "\n" remove all "\n"s. * Ignore delimiters within "..." quotes, and don't include the '\"' * character in the token. * If the nullFillStr is not null, then replace all null strings * with the nullFillStr. * @param str string containing a list of Strings * @param delimChr delimiter to be used * @param nullFillStr is the string to replace all null strings * if not null. * @return array of Strings else null if problem */ public static String[] cvs2ArrayNullFill(String str, String delimChr, String nullFillStr) { /* cvs2ArrayNullFill */ String tokArray[]= cvs2Array(str, delimChr); if(tokArray==null || nullFillStr==null) return(tokArray); /* Replace nulls with nullFillStr */ int nTokens= tokArray.length; for(int i=0;i=(tokBufSize-1)) { /* grow it first */ int newTokBufSize= (int)(2.0*tokBufSize); char newTokBuf[]= new char[newTokBufSize]; for(int k=0;k0) /* i.e. only save non-null tokens */ tokArray[nTokens++]= token; /* i.e. save tokens */ if(bufCtrnTokens) { /* resize the array */ String newTokArray[]= new String[nTokens]; for(int i=0;i 0) { /* make sure all unmodified fields are in reordered list */ for(int i= 0; i < lthA; i++) { /* Check for order independent exact contents match */ String strA= listA[i]; if(lookupDataIdx(strA, listB, lthB) == -1) { flag= false; break; } } /* Check for order independent exact contents match */ } /* make sure all unmodified fields are in reordered list */ return (flag); } /* isListInAnotherList */ /** * mapAllkeywords() - map data from 'keyword' to 'toString' lists. * Do this for all instances in the mapping list. * @param str input string containing possible keywords. * @param keyList is list of keywords to look for when map string * @param toStrList is list of replacement strings when map string * @param nMaps is size of the keyList[] and toStrList[] data * @return true if succeed */ public static String mapAllkeywords(String str, String keyList[], String toStrList[], int nMaps) { /* mapAllkeywords */ if(str==null || nMaps==0) return(str); String sPreface= null, sKeyword= null, sRest= null, sToString= null, sOld= "", sR= str; int keywordLth= 0, prefaceIdx= -1, restIdx= -1; /* See if the keyword is in the list */ while(!sOld.equals(sR)) { /* keep mapping until no change */ sOld= sR; /* Look for 'keyword' and extract */ for(int i= 0; i < nMaps; i++) { /* check each keyword */ sKeyword= keyList[i]; /* Look for 'keyword' and extract */ prefaceIdx= sR.indexOf(sKeyword); if(prefaceIdx == -1) continue; /* not found */ keywordLth= sKeyword.length(); /* Move past the keyword */ restIdx= prefaceIdx + keywordLth; if(restIdx >= sR.length()) sRest= ""; /* keyword found at the end of the string */ else sRest= sR.substring(restIdx); /* replace keyword with toString[i] */ sPreface= sR.substring(0, prefaceIdx); sToString= toStrList[i]; sR= sPreface + sToString + sRest; } /* check each keyword */ } /* keep mapping until no change */ return(sR); } /* mapAllkeywords */ /** * rmvRtnChars() - remove return chars. Map '\r' or "\r\n" to '\n' chars. * @param String str to process * @return String with '\r' removed. */ final public static String rmvRtnChars(String str) { /* rmvRtnChars */ if(str==null) return(null); int lthOut= 0, lthIn= str.length(), lastIdx= lthIn-1; char ch, chLA, cOut[]= new char[lthIn], cIn[]= str.toCharArray(); int i= 0; while(i then map to \n */ chLA= (i==lastIdx) ? 0 : cIn[i+1]; if(chLA=='\n') i += 1; /* Move past the \n in \r\n */ cOut[lthOut++]= '\n'; } } /* process all characters */ String sR= new String(cOut,0,lthOut); /* make exact length */ return(sR); } /* rmvRtnChars */ /** * rmvSpecifiedChar() - remove specified character from string. * @param str to process * @param rmvChar to remove * @return String with all instances of the specified character removed. */ final public static String rmvSpecifiedChar(String str, char rmvChar) { /* rmvSpecifiedChar */ if(str==null) return(null); if(rmvChar=='\0') return(str); int lthOut= 0, lthIn= str.length(); char ch, cOut[]= new char[lthIn], cIn[]= str.toCharArray(); int i= 0; while(i-1;i--) { /* find first trailing non-blank character */ if(cIn[i]==' ') continue; endingFirstNonBlankIdx= i+1; break; } String sR= str; if(leadingFirstNonBlankIdx!=-1 && endingFirstNonBlankIdx!=-1) sR= str.substring(leadingFirstNonBlankIdx, endingFirstNonBlankIdx); return(sR); } /* rmvEnclosingWhitespace */ /** * trimArrayEnclWhitespace() - trim (clean) enclosing white space in 1D array. * It goes element by element to try to remove white space. If an element * is cleaned, it replaces the element string, otherwise the element * string is not replaced. * @param rowData - row of data. Trim all non-null elements of the array * @return the row with non-null elements trimmed. */ final public static String[] trimArrayEnclWhitespace(String rowData[]) { /* trimArrayEnclWhitespace */ if(rowData!=null) { /* clean the row */ int lth= rowData.length; for(int c=0;c0) { /* replace mapTok in the sUrl with cell */ int idxOldToken= str.indexOf(oldToken); if(idxOldToken!=-1) { /* replace it */ int idxRestOfStr= idxOldToken+oldToken.length(); frontOfStr= str.substring(0,idxOldToken); restOfStr= str.substring(idxRestOfStr); sR = frontOfStr + newToken + restOfStr; /* Call it recursively in case more than one instance */ sR= replaceSubstrInString(sR, oldToken,newToken); } } /* replace mapTok in the sUrl with cell */ return(sR); } /* replaceSubstrInString */ /** * changeWorkingDirectory() - change the working directory * @param newDir to change the user.dir to. * @return the new conanocalPath of the directory if succeed, * else null */ public static String changeWorkingDirectory(String newDir) { /* changeWorkingDirectory */ try { String oldDir= System.getProperty("user.dir"); System.setProperty("user.dir", newDir); File cur = new File("."); String newDirCanonical= cur.getCanonicalPath(); String curDir= System.getProperty("user.dir"); return(newDirCanonical); } catch(Exception e) { return(null); } } /* changeWorkingDirectory */ /** * cvDeltaTime2str() - convert a delta epoch time msec to a string * "00:01:30 (H:M:S) or 90.0 seconds" * @param deltaTimeMsec is the runtime (end-start) in msec. * @param fullCvtFlag to generate a full conversion with H:M:S * "00:01:30 (H:M:S) or 90.0 seconds" * else generate * "90.0 seconds" * @returns program run time in H:M:S and 1/10 seconds. */ public static String cvDeltaTime2str(long deltaTimeMsec, boolean fullCvtFlag) { /* cvDeltaTime2str */ int run= (int)(deltaTimeMsec/1000), Rhours= run/3600, Rminutes= (run-(Rhours*3600))/60, Rseconds= (run-(Rhours*3600)-(Rminutes*60)); float runMsec= (float)deltaTimeMsec, totRseconds= runMsec/1000.0F; String secR= cvf2s(totRseconds,1)+" seconds", sR= secR; if(fullCvtFlag) sR= Rhours+":"+Rminutes+":"+Rseconds+" (H:M:S) or "+secR; return(sR); } /* cvDeltaTime2str */ /** * off_timer() - Compute the time banner String assuming that a * on_timer(cpuTime,runTime) was done previously. * EXAMPLE: * "00:01:30 (H:M:S) or 90.0 seconds" * @param startT is the starting times runtime * @returns program run time (endTime-startTime) in H:M:S and 1/10 * seconds */ public static String off_timer(long startT) { /* off_timer */ long endTime= on_timer(), /* current time */ deltaTimeMsec= (endTime - startT); String sR= "Run time ="+cvDeltaTime2str(deltaTimeMsec,true)+"\n"; return(sR); } /* off_timer */ /** * on_timer() - Get the current time (in milliseconds) * @return runtime */ public static long on_timer() { /* on_timer */ Date dateObj= new Date(); long time= dateObj.getTime(); return(time); } /* on_timer */ /** * sleepMsec() - sleep for mSec. * @param mSec */ public synchronized static void sleepMsec(int mSec) { /* sleepMsec */ try { Thread.sleep(mSec); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } /* sleepMsec */ /** * appendElementToArray() - Append String element to String array. * If the array is null, create the array, else extend it 1 element. * @param sArray - is array to append element to. * @param sElement to append * @return extended array. */ public static String[] appendElementToArray(String sArray[], String sElement) { /* appendElementToArray */ int n; if(sArray==null) { sArray= new String[1]; n= 1; } else { /* grow by 1 element */ n= sArray.length; String tmp[]= new String[n+1]; for(int i=0;i * [1] Define directory for .jar path and other file and URL names. * [2] Backup the old {pgmName}.jar as {pgmName}.jar.bkup * [3] Open the url: from urlJarFile and read the file from * the Web into local file {pgmName}+".jar.tmp" * [4] Move the {pgmName}+".jar.tmp" file into {pgmName}+".jar" in the * program directory * * @param pgmName - base name of the program (no extension) * @param urlJarFile - full URL for file on the server * @param localJarFilePath - full path for the target file * @return true if succeed * @see #copyFile * @see #deleteLocalFile */ public static boolean updateJarFile(String pgmName, String urlJarFile, String localJarFilePath) { /* updateJarFile */ /* [1] Define directory for {pgmName}.jar path and other file * and URL names. */ String fileSep= System.getProperty("file.separator"), userDir= System.getProperty("user.dir")+fileSep, localJarFile= userDir + pgmName+".jar", localJarFileBkup= userDir + pgmName+".jar.bkup", localJarFileTmp= userDir + pgmName+".jar.tmp"; /* [2] Backup the old Flicker.jar as Flicker.jar.bkup if it exists * (it won't if you are running from the debugger!). * But first, delete old backup if it exists. */ deleteLocalFile(localJarFileBkup); boolean ok= copyFile(localJarFile, localJarFileBkup, null,0); if(!ok) return(false); /* [3] Open the url: jarURL and read the file from the Web into * localJarFileTmp */ String updateMsg= "Updating your "+pgmName+".jar file from "+ urlJarFile+ " server.\n"; File f= new File(localJarFileBkup); int estInputFileLth= (f!=null) ? (int)f.length() : 0; if(! copyFile(urlJarFile,localJarFileTmp, updateMsg, estInputFileLth)) return(false); /* [4] Move the localJarFileTmp file into localJarFile in the * program directory where it was installed. */ if(! deleteLocalFile(localJarFile)) return(false); if(! copyFile(localJarFileTmp, localJarFile, null,0)) return(false); return(true); } /* updateJarFile */ /** * copyFile() - binary copy of one file or URL to a local file * @param srcName is either a full path local file name or * a http:// prefixed URL string of the source file. * @param dstName is the full path of the local destination file name * @param optUpdateMsg (opt) will display message in showMsg() and * increasing ... in showMsg2(). One '.' for every 10K bytes read. * This only is used when reading a URL. Set to null if not used. * @param optEstInputFileLth is the estimate size of the input file if * known else 0. Used in progress bar. * @return true if succeed. */ public static boolean copyFile(String srcName, String dstName, String optUpdateMsg, int optEstInputFileLth) { /* copyFile */ try { /* copy data from input to output file */ FileOutputStream dstFOS= new FileOutputStream(new File(dstName)); FileInputStream srcFIS= null; int bufSize= 100000, nBytesRead= 0, nBytesWritten= 0; byte buf[]= new byte[bufSize]; boolean isURL= (srcName.startsWith("http://") || srcName.startsWith("file://")); if(isURL) { /* Copy the file from Web site */ if(optUpdateMsg!=null) logMsg(optUpdateMsg); String sDots= ""; URL url= new URL(srcName); InputStream urlIS= url.openStream(); int nTotBytesRead= 0; while(true) { /* read-write loop */ if(optUpdateMsg!=null) { /* show progress every read */ sDots += "."; String sPct= (optEstInputFileLth>0) ? ((int)((100*nTotBytesRead)/optEstInputFileLth))+"% " : "", sProgress= "Copying " + sPct + sDots+"\n"; logMsg(sProgress); } nBytesRead= urlIS.read(buf); nTotBytesRead += nBytesRead; if(nBytesRead==-1) break; /* end of data */ else { dstFOS.write(buf,0,nBytesRead); nBytesWritten += nBytesRead; } } /* read-write loop */ dstFOS.close(); if(optUpdateMsg!=null) { logMsg("\n"); } } else { /* copy the file on the local file system */ srcFIS= new FileInputStream(new File(srcName)); while(true) { /* read-write loop */ nBytesRead= srcFIS.read(buf); if(nBytesRead==-1) break; /* end of data */ else { dstFOS.write(buf,0,nBytesRead); nBytesWritten += nBytesRead; } } /* read-write loop */ srcFIS.close(); dstFOS.close(); } /* copy the file on the local file system */ } /* copy data from input to output file */ catch(Exception e1) { /* just fail if any problems at all! */ return(false); } return(true); } /* copyFile */ /** * readBytesFromURL() - read binary data from URL into byte[] array. * @param srcName is either a full path local file name or * a http:// prefixed URL string of the source file. * @param optUpdateMsg (opt) will display message in showMsg() and * increasing ... in showMsg2(). One '.' for every 10K bytes read. * This only is used when reading a URL. Set to null if not used. * @return a byte[] if succeed, else null. */ public static byte[] readBytesFromURL(String srcName, String optUpdateMsg) { /* readBytesFromURL */ if(!srcName.startsWith("http://") && !srcName.startsWith("file://")) return(null); int bufSize= 20000, nBytesRead= 0, nBytesWritten= 0, oByteSize= bufSize; byte buf[]= null, oBuf[]= null; try { /* copy data from input to output file */ buf= new byte[bufSize]; oBuf= new byte[bufSize]; /* Copy the file from Web site */ if(optUpdateMsg!=null) logMsg(optUpdateMsg); String sDots= ""; URL url= new URL(srcName); InputStream urlIS= url.openStream(); logMsg("Reading " + sDots); while(true) { /* read-write loop */ if(optUpdateMsg!=null) { /* show progress every read */ logMsg("."); } nBytesRead= urlIS.read(buf); if(nBytesRead==-1) break; /* end of data */ else { /* copy buf to end of oBuf */ if(nBytesRead+nBytesWritten >= oByteSize) { /* regrow oBuf by bufSize */ byte tmp[]= new byte[oByteSize+bufSize]; for(int i=0;i