Trans-NIH Jak-Stat Initiative - Erythroid: Stat5KO vs WT

Changes in comparison: Test samples for Erythroid: Stat5KO vs WT

Erythropoietic Ter119+ cells from mouse fetal liver cells from Stat5-KO and WT mice.. This used mAdb test: EG1-test-1-FC.

Erythroid: EG001
(T1-)  Stat5KO vs WT --- fold changes < 2X and p-Value<0.05.

This mAdb-derived analysis report compares two groups of samples (A and B) using the paired t-test followed by a fold-change test with the threshold values listed above. The t-test is only done if are at least two samples/condition. It performs fold-change thresholding in either case. The mean A and mean B values are shown as log2 values in the following table as A Mean and B Mean. If there are not enough samples in either condition A or condition B, it only compares the fold-change (mean A/mean B) computed as the difference between the log2 means shown as A-B Mean Difference in this report - see Data Analysis Methods for more discussion. If the t-test is performed, the p-Value is reported as A-B p-Value. Individual sample expression values are reported as the RMA normalized values not using the log2. The tests, thresholding and mAdb Retrieval Report were generated on the mAdb system for the GSP data and subsequently converted to this Web page.

Clicking on the table entries for Gene, Well ID, and Feature ID will go to the GeneCard, mAdb Feature Report, and Affymetrix probe database Web page for that entry. The genes are sorted by A-B Mean Difference with:
   (A) Samples[Stat5KO]: EG001-01, EG001-02, EG001-03
   (B) Samples[WT]: EG001-04, EG001-05, EG001-06.


Preface mAdb Microarray Retrieval Report - Test Samples

  A 1 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_KO1 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen
1   A 2 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_KO2 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen
2   A 3 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_KO3 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen
3   B 4 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_WT1 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen
4   B 5 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_WT2 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen
5   B 6 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_WT3 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen
6 The input data set contained 45101 genes        
7 The filtered output data set contains 45 genes        
8 41915 gene rows removed by Include where A-B T-test p-value (two tailed) <= 0.05        
9 3141 gene rows removed by Include where A-B Mean Difference <= -1        
10   A 1 06-08-04_Hennighausen_Mouse430_2_KO1 GSP-EG001 Hennighausen

This Web page was derived in collaboration with GSP consortium members.

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Revised: Mon Sep 28 13:56:56 EDT 2009