Trans-NIH Jak-Stat Initiative - Fold-Change summary $$TISSUE$$
Summary of Fold-change Tests for $$TISSUE$$
This is a table of the tests intersections showing test-results gene fold-change(FC)
data (indicated as "MnA/MnB" in the table and presented as log2). It is computed for all samples and and
all tests for $$TISSUE$$ in the
(and also in a mAdb-TestsToDo Web page)
list. Only genes that have passed any of the tests are included, even if the gene
had only passed one test. Blank cells in the table indicate genes that did not
exceed the fold-change threshold. This data may be downloaded as a tab-delimited
Excel file
TestsIntersection-$$TISSUE$$.txt". The latter might be useful for sorting
the data in other ways (such as by the fold-change of a particular test) or for
doing additional clustering of the fold-change data or subsets of the data.
Note that since the selected fold-change thresholds (for each test) may have
included/excluded genes that would be different for different thresholds,
this is a general snapshot of the data for those thresholds.
See $$TISSUE$$ Summary
for more details on individual tests.