REM File: HTMLtools-doAll.bat - run other converter BAT scripts REM P. Lemkin REM Revised: 3/30/2009 echo "HTMLtools-doAll.bat" pwd date /T HTMLtools-GSPI-EG.bat HTMLtools-GSPI-EG-concatHTML.bat HTMLtools-GSPI-EG-concatTXT.bat HTMLtools-GSPI-ExpGrp.bat HTMLtools-GSPI-ExpGrp-exportBigCells.bat HTMLtools-GSPI-mAdb-TestsToDo.bat HTMLtools-GSPI-MRR-GL-examples.bat REM the following assumes the distribution has the mAdb tests REM run with the mAdb-TestsToDo script. HTMLtools-genBatchScripts.bat REM the following assumes the distribution has the total database file REM HTMLtools-MRR-all-fast.bat echo "-- Finished converting the files ---" date /T