/* File: PopupYesNoDialogBox.java */ package O2PlibSS.gui; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /** * Class PopupYesNoDialogBox is a dialog box with with 1, 2 or 3 * yesMsg, noMsg, and cancelMsg. *

* If you press yes or no, it sets the this.okFlag to true or false and * the this.cancelFlag to false. *

* If you press cancel, it sets the this.okFlag to false and * the this.cancelFlag to true. *


* This code is available at the HTMLtools project on SourceForge at * http://htmltools.sourceforge.org/ * under the "Common Public License Version 1.0" * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php.


* It was derived and refactored from the open source * MAExplorer (http://maexplorer.sourceforge.org/), and * Open2Dprot (http://Open2Dprot.sourceforge.net/) Table modules. *

* $Date: 2009/07/03 11:45:56 $ $Revision: 1.28 $ *
* Copyright 2008, 2009 by Peter Lemkin * E-Mail: lemkin@users.sourceforge.net * http://lemkingroup.com/ */ public class PopupYesNoDialogBox extends Dialog implements ActionListener, WindowListener { /** frame id */ final static long serialVersionUID= 0; /** Message for dialog box */ private String msg; /** Yes label for dialog box */ private String yesMsg; /** No label for dialog box */ private String noMsg; /** Cancel label for dialog box */ private String cancelMsg; /** flag set by the yes button (no or cancel button set to false) */ public boolean okFlag= false; /** flag set by cancel button */ public boolean cancelFlag= false; /** * PopupYesNoDialogBox() - Constructor for popup YES/NO/CANCEL modal * dialog. * If you press yes or no, it sets the this.okFlag to true or false and * the this.cancelFlag to false. * If you press cancel, it sets the this.okFlag to false and * the this.cancelFlag to true. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param yesMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param noMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param cancelMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param bgColor for background else defaults to gray. */ public PopupYesNoDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String yesMsg, String noMsg, String cancelMsg, Color bgColor) { /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ super(f, "Message", true); setupDialogBox(f, msg, yesMsg, noMsg, cancelMsg, bgColor); } /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ /** * PopupYesNoDialogBox() - Constructor for popup YES/NO/CANCEL modal * dialog. * If you press yes or no, it sets the this.okFlag to true or false and * the this.cancelFlag to false. * If you press cancel, it sets the this.okFlag to false and * the this.cancelFlag to true. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param yesMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param noMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param cancelMsg for dialog box if it exists */ public PopupYesNoDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String yesMsg, String noMsg, String cancelMsg) { /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ super(f, "Message", true); setupDialogBox(f, msg, yesMsg, noMsg, cancelMsg, null); } /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ /** * PopupYesNoDialogBox() - Constructor for popup YES/NO modal * dialog. * If you press yes or no, it sets the this.okFlag to true or false and * the this.cancelFlag to false. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param yesMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param noMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param bgColor for background else defaults to gray. */ public PopupYesNoDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String yesMsg, String noMsg, Color bgColor) { /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ super(f, "Message", true); setupDialogBox(f, msg, yesMsg, noMsg, null, bgColor); } /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ /** * PopupYesNoDialogBox() - Constructor for popup YES/NO modal dialog. * If you press yes or no, it sets the this.okFlag to true or false and * the this.cancelFlag to false. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param yesMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param noMsg for dialog box if it exists */ public PopupYesNoDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String yesMsg, String noMsg) { /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ super(f, "Message", true); setupDialogBox(f, msg, yesMsg, noMsg, null, null); } /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ /** * PopupYesNoDialogBox() - Constructor for popup OK modal dialog. * Press the okMsg button to return. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param okMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param bgColor for background else defaults to gray. */ public PopupYesNoDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String okMsg, Color bgColor) { /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ super(f, "Message", true); setupDialogBox(f, msg, okMsg, null, null, bgColor); } /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ /** * PopupYesNoDialogBox() - Constructor for popup OK modal dialog. * Press the okMsg button to return. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param okMsg for dialog box if it exists */ public PopupYesNoDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String okMsg) { /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ super(f, "Message", true); setupDialogBox(f, msg, okMsg, null, null, null); } /* PopupYesNoDialogBox */ /** * positionWindow() - position window on the screen */ private void positionWindow() { /* positionWindow */ /* Center frame on the screen, PC only */ Dimension windSize= this.getSize(), screen= Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int xPos= (screen.width - windSize.width)/2, yPos= (screen.height - windSize.height)/2; Point pos= new Point(xPos,yPos); this.setLocation(pos); } /* positionWindow */ /** * setupDialogBox() - setup for popup yes/no/cancel modal dialog. * If you press yes or no, it sets the this.okFlag to true or false and * the this.cancelFlag to false. * If you press cancel, it sets the this.okFlag to false and * the this.cancelFlag to true. * @param f is the application parent frame of dialog box * @param msg for dialog box * @param yesMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param noMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param cancelMsg for dialog box if it exists * @param bgColor for background else defaults to gray. */ private void setupDialogBox(Frame f, String msg, String yesMsg, String noMsg, String cancelMsg, Color bgColor) { /* setupDialogBox */ this.msg= msg; this.yesMsg= yesMsg; this.noMsg= noMsg; this.cancelMsg= cancelMsg; okFlag= false; /* default */ cancelFlag= true; if(bgColor!=null) this.setBackground(bgColor); buildGUI(); } /* setupDialogBox */ /** * buildGUI() - Build GUI */ private void buildGUI() { /* buildGUI */ String displayMsg; Button yesButton= new Button(yesMsg), noButton= (noMsg!=null) ? new Button(noMsg) : null, cancelButton= (cancelMsg!=null) ? new Button(cancelMsg) : null; Label label; yesButton.addActionListener(this); if(noButton!=null) noButton.addActionListener(this); if(cancelButton!=null) cancelButton.addActionListener(this); if(cancelMsg==null) displayMsg= (msg!=null) ? msg : "Choose "+yesMsg+" or "+noMsg; else displayMsg= (msg!=null) ? msg : "Choose "+yesMsg+" or "+noMsg+", or "+cancelMsg; label= new Label(displayMsg); Panel buttonPanel= new Panel(), mainPanel= new Panel(new BorderLayout()); buttonPanel.add(yesButton); if(noButton!=null) buttonPanel.add(noButton); if(cancelButton!=null) buttonPanel.add(cancelButton); mainPanel.add(label,BorderLayout.NORTH); mainPanel.add(buttonPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); this.add(mainPanel); this.setSize(250,300); this.setTitle(displayMsg); this.pack(); /* put the Dialog box in the middle of the frame */ positionWindow(); this.setVisible(true); } /* buildGUI */ /** * actionPerformed() - handle action events * @param ae is the ActionEvent */ public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) { /* actionPerformed */ String cmd= ae.getActionCommand(); //Button item= (Button) ae.getSource(); if(cmd.equals(yesMsg)) { okFlag= true; cancelFlag= false; close(); } else if(cmd.equals(noMsg)) { okFlag= false; cancelFlag= false; close(); } else if(cmd.equals(cancelMsg)) { okFlag= false; cancelFlag= true; close(); } } /* actionPerformed */ /** * close() - close this popup */ private void close() { /* close */ this.dispose(); } /* close */ /** * windowClosing() - close down the window - assume false. */ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { /* close */ close(); } /* close */ /* Others not used at this time */ public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {} public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { } }/* End Class PopupYesNoDialogBox */