HTMLtools Documentation

1. Introduction: GenBatchScripts | 2. Running | Graphical User Interface | Search Database |
3. Commands: (general, GBS, TI, JTV) | 4. Examples | 5. Data sets | 6. Software design |
Source code | Javadocs | 7. batchScripts/ directory | 8. About |
Figures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | G.1 | G.2 | G.3 | G.4 | G.5 | G.6 | G.7 |
S.1 | S.2 | S.3 | S.4 | S.5 | S.6 | S.7
File: ReferenceManual.html
HTMLtools is a Java program to automate the batch conversion of tab-delimited spreadsheet type text files to HTML Web-page files. There are a variety of flexible options to make the Web page presentations more useful. It can also be used for editing large tables. This is described in more detail throughout this reference manual.

Additional command subsets were developed for specialized conversions (JTVconvert, GenBatchScripts, and TestsIntersections) and may be ignored for routine Web page generation in other domains where they don't apply.

The JTVconvert commands can re-map data array names in Java TreeView mAdb data set files to more user friendly experiment names as well as generate HTML Web pages to launch these converted JTV files for each JTV data set.

The GenBatchScripts commands may be used to generate HTMLtools batch scripts for subsequent processing given a list of data test-results files to convert and a tab-delimited tests descriptions file. It is able to use a table (prepared with Excel or some other source) that describes this data and can then use that for extracting and inserting information from various mapping tables into the generated Web pages.

The TestsIntersections commands will synthesize a tests intersection summary table and Web page as well as generating some summary statistics. It uses the same data used in the GenBatchScripts commands.

The Converter GUI mode starts a graphical user command interface (GUI) where they can specify either individual parameter scripts or a batch file list of scripts to be executed in the background with the results shown in the user interface including the ability to view the generated HTML files though a pop up Web browser.

The Search GUI mode starts a database search graphical user interface (GUI) to generated a "flipped table" (see Figure S.6) on a subset of the data from a pre-computed edited table database. They can specify filters on the rows and columns (data and samples subsets), and presentation options to generate a HTML file though a pop up Web browser.

Note: this software is released as an OPEN SOURCE project HTMLtools on with a small non-proprietary sample data set that is bundled along with the program. This data set has already been published on the public access NLM/NCBI GEO Web site. The original data set was proprietary created for the Group STAT Project (GSP) and was created along with the original conversion program, CvtTabDelim2HTML, to support the NIH Jak-Stat Prospector Web site that is part of the Trans-NIH Jak-Stat Initiative ( accessible through the the Prospector login facility. This Web site will be opened up in the future.

Note: the initial release only includes GSP data that has been released to the public in NCBI's GEO database (currently one data set). As more GSP GEO data is released to the public,we will include some of them in the demo database to illustrate more of the features of HTMLtools.


The open source HTMLtools program was developed to help generate Web pages for the Jak-Stat Prospector on the Trans-NIH Jak-Stat Initiative ( Web site. The Affymetrix data comes from the Group STAT Project (GSP) headed by Lothar Hennighausen of LGP/NIDDK, a subset of the members of the Trans-NIH Jak-Stat Initiative. The data for the GSP was generated from the a GSP Inventory workbook and the GSP database of Affymetrix data that was assembled on the CIT/CBEL mAdb microarray database system headed by John Powell. A typical data conversion pipeline for the GSP data is shown in Figure 1 below. Note that although the GSP is a specialized database, the publication process for tab-delimited data could easily be generated to other types of data.

HTMLtools is a Java application to convert a directory of tab-delimited files (such as is produced by Excel or similar programs into a directory of HTML <TABLE> formated files. There are various options available to make the table easier to read (shrink large cells), mapping cells to HREF URL links associated with the column headers, alternating row colors, bolding headers, adding prolog and epilogue HTML files, reconfiguring the table to drop specified columns, remove trailing empty rows and columns, keyword mapping (date, filename, and user specified), extract a sub-table by current table column keyword from a resource table file to insert into the prolog or epilogue section in a user specified format, sort rows by column data, etc. See the Section 2 RUNNING THE PROGRAM describes how to unpack the distribution .zip file and other setup information. There is also a Graphical User Interface and a special Search Database graphical user interface used for generating specialized reports. See the Section 3 COMMANDs below that lists the case-sensitive command-line switches for full details.

You may generate a single concatenated file table from all of the input files in the list provided they all have the same column headers. This may be saved as a tab-delimited text file or Web page. The concatenated file can be used for generating a map file to map column data into alternative column data in subsequent runs of the program. You can optionally generate the map file of selected columns from the concatenated file to be used in subsequent conversions.

We recommend that you convert a group of similar files together in the same directory specifying the switches by using a parameter file to avoid inconsistent switches. It will generate a HTML file for each tab-delimited input .txt file in the directory. By convention, we name these '' files (for some descriptive comment 'xxx', but they could be called any name (except some file ending in .txt since that would be picked up as a input Table file. Section 4 EXAMPLES 4 to 9 below are equivalent to the parameter files used in the examples. Note: you should avoid using spaces in file names and switches,however if you do then use double quotes around the arguments. The data for these examples is in Section 5 DEMONSTRATION DATA SETS which currently is based on the Jak-Stat Group STAT Project data (this will change in the open source release).

Section 6 describes the SOFTWARE DESIGN for those who want to either modify or extend the code or understand the processing in more detail.

Section 7 describes the BATCH PROCESSING TESTS DATA when it creates the batchScripts/ directory for subsequent further batch processing for created Web pages.

   1. Gather sets of laboratory experiments in multiple laboratories
   relating to the Jak-Stat gene pathway
   2. Create Affymetrix microarray data (resulting in .CEL data files)
   3. Create Inventory of relevant data and annotation of the data
   in the GSP-Inventory.xls spreadsheets consisting of:
   1) group arrays by experiment EG001, EG002,...EG00n;
   2) a top level spreadsheet ExperimentGroups describing 
   all EG experiments.
   4. Consolidate data in mAdb (Microarray DataBase system Data is uploaded to each EGxxx subproject, 
   and normalized by pooled RMA or MAS5.
   4.1 Perform t-test or fold-change tests on subsets of the data 
   that makes sense to compare saving results (+ and - changes 
   separately) as gene subsets.
   4.2 Export tab-delimited (Excel) mAdb Retrieval Reports (MRR) 
   for each gene set for 1) just the arrays used in the test; 
   2) all samples in the database.
   4.3 Compute and export the hierarchical clustered heat maps as
   Java Tree View (JTV) .zip tab-delimited data sets for external 
   viewing for 1) just the arrays used in the test; 2) all samples
   in the database.   
   5. Convert the MRR and JTV tab-delimited data to HTML Web pages
   using the HTMLtools tools
   6. Merge links to this generated data with Web pages in
   the Jak-Stat Prospector Web server (and upload to the server).

Figure 1. shows an example of a data analysis processing pipeline to convert laboratory microarray data to Web pages that can be used in a the Jak-Stat Prospector Web site. Steps 4.1 and 4.2 could be run for a set of experiments as a batch job. Similarly, the set of files exported from mAdb could be batch processed with HTMLtools. Note that although the HTMLtools converter was developed for this project, the command structure is flexible enough that it could easily be used with other types of data.

1.1 Generating Batch Scripts

The HTMLtools has a specialized (at this time) set of commands to generate a set of batch scripts from a tab-delimited table file for subsequent processing by HTMLtools. This set of commands are called the GenBatchScripts commands. For details on generating batch scripts and the these commands, see the
GenBatchScripts commands. See Example 15 that illustrates generating batch scripts (GBS). See examples of GBS data in Section 5. Figure 2. shows the batch scripts generation process using GenBatchScripts.

Section 7 describes creating and running the scripts for the batchScripts/ directory for creating Web pages.

   1. Read the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt table that specifies all of the tests to
      be performed on subsets of the mAdb GSP database. For each test, these
      include: test name, samples being compared, test thresholds, test name
      and related annotation, tissue name, relative directory for the data
      (used both for input InputTree/ and output data Analyses/)
      generated directory trees.
   2. Create lists of related tests by grouping by same tissue name.
   3. Read additional mapping table files (,, table to use in generating the summary web pages.
   4. Create summary Web pages for each tissue type with links to Web pages
      for analyses we will generate and save in the Summary/ directory.
   5. Generate all of the 'params .map' batch scripts, several for each test,
      and save them in the ParamScripts/ directory (see Figure 3 for 
      details). It then copies all support files (above mapping tables),
      JTVjars/, data.Table/ and other files required when running
      converter to generate Web pages. 
   6. Generate a buildWebPages.doit file listing the params .map files to be
      processed with a subsequent batch run using the HTMLtools converter,
      and a Windows .BAT file, buildWebPages.bat
   7. Start the buildWebPages.bat batch job which generates the Web pages in
      the Summary/, Analyses/ and JTV/ directory trees.  
   8. Copy the generated Web pages to the Web server.

Figure 2. shows an example of the batch script generation pipeline from a table describing a lists of tests that were run as a batch job on another analysis system. In this case, the analysis system is mAdb and it uses the same test "todo" file to specify the tests data.Table/mAdb-TestsToDo.txt as are used here with the GenBatchScripts processing. The mAdb data analysis and tab-delimited Excel data generated is shown in steps 4.1 and 4.2 (see Figure 1). In the GenBatchScripts processing, we first create a batchScripts/ directory and then fill it with various types of data described in this figure.

The following Figure 3. shows the details on how each test in the
data.Table/mAdb-TestsToDo.txt list is then expanded to include samples that have an increased gene expression fold-change (FC) indicated by a "+FC" and a decreased fold change "-FC". The +/-"FC.html" files are the sample expression data for the test. The +/-"FC-keep.html" files are the same data showing the gene changes but not the actual expression data. The +/-"FC-ALL.html" files are the expression data for all samples, but just for the genes that passed the test. The +/-"" and +/-"" files are the Java TreeView zip file for the corresponding tests. The +/-"FC-JTV.html" and +/-"FC-ALL-JTV.html" files are the HTML Web pages generated to invoke Java TreeView for that data. All links to the converter output files are in the batchScripts/Summary/ Web pages discussed above. Also note that JTV heatmap conversions are not performed form tests which only have 2 samples (1 per class) since clustering does not make sense for 2 samples.

  tests (MRR & JTV) input:     Converter output:
  Tests for samples:
   {testName}+FC.txt           {testName}+FC.html 
   {testName}-FC.txt           {testName}+FC.html 
  AND of above tests for ALL samples:
   {testName}+FC-ALL.txt       {testName}+FC-ALL.html
   {testName}-FC-ALL.txt       {testName}-FC-ALL.html
  JTV for test samples:        
   {testName}       {testName}+FC-JTV/ 
   {testName}       {testName}-FC-JTV/ 
  JTV above for AND of above tests for ALL Samples:
   {testName}   {testName}+FC-ALL-JTV/ 
   {testName}   {testName}-FC-ALL-JTV/ 

Figure 3. shows the set of 8 mAdb results files and 18 converter HTML and JTV generated for each test testName in the mAdb-TestsToDo list. For example, if the test is "EG3.1-test-2", then in the above figure, replace {testName} with EG3.1-test-2, etc. The "+FC" indicates a positive fold-change, and the "-FC" a negative fold-change. The file with "-keep" are gene lists with no expression data. The GenBatchScripts option for the converter generates parameters .map batch scripts for each of these converted files.

Top-level procedure for adding data to the Jak-Stat Prospector database

The following Figure 4. shows the steps required for adding new data to the Jak-Stat Prospector database. It primarily consists of collecting and annotating data in the
GSP-Inventory.xls and mAdb-TestsToDo.xls Excel files. Then using this data to generate and convert the new data after it has been uploaded and processed on the mAdb system. The results are converted and uploaded to the NIDDK Web server.

   1. Edit the <GSP-Inventory Excel workbook to annotate the
      set of Affymetrix .CEL files where we assign the next
      free Experiment Group EGnnn, simple GSP ID, GSP ID, etc.
   2. Upload the Affymetrix .CEL file data to the GSP mAdb 
      database and normalized the new samples using the pooled
      RMA data for the base GSP database.
   3. Add new test to-do in the mAdb-TestsToDo.xls Excel workbook
      and upload the new test list to mAdb.
   4. Run the batch tests in mAdb resulting in Excel and JTV
      data sets that are exported for conversion to Web pages.
   5. Process these data using the HTMLtools converter
      into HTML pages and converted data for the Web server.     
   6. Upload these Web pages and data to the NIDDK Jak-Stat 
      Prospector staging area for the server.

Figure 4. shows shows shows the top-level procedure used for adding new Affymetrix .CEL file data sets to the GSP database and Jak Stat Prosector Web server. In addition, if new gene identifications are made to some of the affymetrix probes (Feature IDs), running steps 4) through 6) can update these identifiers.

1.2 Java TreeView conversions

'jtv' prefixed commands are only used for converting Java TreeView (JTV) files by mapping the "mAdb ID" array names to experiment data names specified by a mapping file. You can't mix tab-delimited file to HTML conversions with JTV conversions in the same batch file (except for -addProlog and -addEpilogue switches). See Example 9 of a JTV conversion.

Java TreeView (JTV) Documentation

Java TreeView is an open-source ( Java applet that mAdb uses to view heatmaps of gene sets. We also use Java TreeView for looking at data snapshots we have taken of the mAdb data.

Java TreeView may be downloaded to run as either a standalone application or Java applet from

The 2004 journal paper by Alok J. Saldanha gives an overview of Java TreeView: "Java Treeview�extensible visualization of microarray data" Bioinformatics 2004 20(17):3246-3248.

There is additional Java TreeView documentation Web page includes links to examples, an FAQ, a user guide, Alok J. Saldanha's disertation describing additional aspects of Java Treeview. NOTE: The Java TreeView applet has been shown to work on Mac OSX, XP and Win2K.


  1. First install Java (version 1.4 or later) on your computer if it is not already installed. You may install either the JDK or JRE.

  2. Copy and unpack the file to a user directory where you want to convert files (or set up a temporary directory). There will be several sample data/ input directories, html/ directory, (JTVinput/, JTVjars/ and (optional) JTVoutput/ directories) as well as HTMLtools.jar and a sample file in the data/ directory. You will also need to unpack the .BAT and .EXE files (described below in section 2.1 so they are executable. See Section 5 Data sets for examples of this data.

  3. In the case of doing a Java TreeView conversion, there will be JTVinput/, JTVjars/, and (optional) JTVoutput/ directories. The zipped or unzipped mAdb JTV sub directories are put in JTVinput/ and the JTVjars/ has all of the .jar files needed to invoke JTV.

  4. Then copy the tab-delimited .txt files you want to convert to the data/ directory relative to where the HTMLtools diretory resides. Alternatively, you could make a new data sub-directory in the HTMLtools directory (e.g., dataXXX or whatever you want to call it) since you may have any number of data directories in the HTMLtools directory. Edit a file in the dataXXX/ directory modeled after one of the sample params .map files in the examples.

  5. The converter may be started several different ways. The first two methods invoke graphical user interfaces. The third method involves typing commands into your operating system command. The fourth method involves invoking batch scripts (.BAT files in Windows) which basically supplies the command line you would have typed in the third method. The fourth method offers the most flexibility, whereas the first two are easier to use.
    a) Clicking on the supplied Java .jar file(s)
    If your computer (Windows, MacOS-X or Unix machines) is set up to execute Java .jar files, then you can run a Graphical User Interface version of the program by clicking on either:
    1. ConverterGui.jar to run the full converter. You select a parameter script (.map) file to excecute and then press the Process button. This is equivalent to running HTMLtools -gui. See the description Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to run the converter for more details.
    2. SearchGui.jar to run a subset of converter to specify a search query on a previously computed database file and then to generate a "flipped table" from the search results. You specify search terms and sample subsets and then press the Process button. This is equivalent to running HTMLtools -searchGui. See the description Search User Database with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Generating Reports for more details.

    b) Typing commands to your operating system's command shell
    Start a command line window (e.g., run CMD in Windows, or create a shell window in Unix, MacOS-X, or Cygwin). The command line method requires that you know the switches to use and so is more difficult way to run the program. Note: you can specify the same switches you would type into the command line in a script file (describe next). Some of the required switches are:
         java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar \
              HTMLtools -inputDir:dataXXX -outputDir:html (etc.)  
    Using a parameter script file is easier. You can start the program through the command line Java as for example (in Windows):
         java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar \ 
              HTMLtools dataXXX/
    or (in Unix, MacOS-X, or Cygwin):
         java -Xmx256M -classpath .;./HTMLtools.jar \ 
              HTMLtools dataXXX/
    where the dataXXX/ directory and the file are replaced by your data directory and params map file. Then, the generated HTML files will be in the html/ directory or whatever output directory is specified by the -outputDirectory switch in the file. This command line tells Java to run the program with 256 Mbytes of memory. For very large files, you may need to increase this memory size. For very large data sets, even that may cause problems and you may not be able to convert them since for the default mode, the Table is loaded into memory before being edited. Some commands such as -fastEditFile are designed to work with very large files and process them as a buffered I/O pipeline and so don't load the Table into memory.

    c) Run a "batch" script (.BAT in windows or the equalivalent in Unit.)
    In Windows, just click on one of the .bat files suplied (see the .BAT file scripts in demo-bat).
    Run the program through a command line Java as for example (in Windows):

  6. The program generates (and overrides each time it is run) a HTMLtools.log file of the processing every time it is run. If the program is used in batch mode ('-batchProcess' switch), then all batch jobs process logging will be in the same logging file.

  7. Batch processing, (with the -batchProcess switch), is performed on a list of params .map files contained in a batch input file (such as batchList.doit). It is invoked by
         java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar \
              HTMLtools -batchProcessing:batchList.doit  

  8. The GenBatchScripts processing is performed in a special params script called data.GBS/ There is nothing special about this script except that it uses the GenBatchScripts commands. So you could customize it for your data. It is invoked by
         java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar \

  9. The program is documented in this file.

2.1 Unpacking the .BAT and .EXE files so they are executable

The following is from the
README-NOTE-restoring-the-BAT-file-names.txt file. Because of occasionally restrictive E-mail filtering problems, the .BAT files have been renamed from xxxx.bat to xxxx-bat. To restore the .BAT files in the demo-bat/ directory to the parent directory so they are operational to process the data, it just renames the files from xxxx-bat to xxxx.bat and copied to the parent directory.

To make it easier to do this there is a single .BAT file (called RESTORE_DEMO_BAT_FILES-bat) that will do this by renaming the files and copying them to the distribution directory.

  1. Change (cd) to the demo-bat directory where the .BAT files are distributed when you unpack the distribution .zip file.
  2. Rename (this) RESTORE_BAT_FILES-bat file to the new name RESTORE_BAT_FILES.bat file so you can make it executable.
  3. Execute the RESTORE_BAT_FILES.bat in the demo-bat directory to copy the other -bat files to .bat files in the distribution directory (the parent directory of demo-bat/) where they are now ready to run.
Note that to run the .bat files, you should change to the distribution directory (i.e. where src/, data directories, html/ directories etc. reside). This is necessary so that the .bat files start with the correct path.

2.1.1 Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to run the converter

The converter can also be used from a graphical user interface or GUI by selecting either a batch ".doit" script file or a parameter ".map" script file. It works the same as if the script were run with the -batch switch (in the case of the ".doit" file) or with a parameter ".map" file. However, in addition, it accumulates a list of any HTML files that were generated and then lets the user select any of them to view in a popup Web browser. More than one generated HTML file can be viewed, but just selecting additional files from the View pull-down chooser.

It is invoked from the command line as:
     java -Xmx512M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar HTMLtools -gui

or using the M.S. Windows script (similar for Mac and Linux):
This is illustrated in the following screen shots.

Figure G.1 This shows the Initial graphical user interface. Using the File menu, the user should select either a batch ".doit" file or a parameter ".map" script file. The File menu is shown in
Figure G.2 Converter Graphical User Interface

Figure G.2 This shows the File menu, the user should select either a batch ".doit" file or a parameter ".map" script file.

Converter Graphical User Interface - File menu

Figure G.3 This shows GUI after selectiong the script to process. The user then presses the Process button to start processing. The next
Figure G.4 shows the program during processing.

Converter Graphical User Interface - press Process to start processing

Figure G.4 This shows GUI during Processing. The output from the converter is shown in the Report window in the middle of the GUI. This can be saved into a .txt file or cleared if desired. The next
Figure G.5 shows the program after processing is finished.

Converter Graphical User Interface - during processing

Figure G.5 This shows the GUI after Processing. The output from the converter is shown in the Report window in the middle of the GUI. This can be saved into a .txt file or cleared if desired. The next
Figure G.6 shows the program after processing is finished.

Converter Graphical User Interface - finished processing

Figure G.6 This shows the GUI generated HTML options to choose to view. Selecting one of them will popup a Web browser with that file (see
Figure G.8).

Converter Graphical User Interface - choosing HTML file to view

Figure G.7 This shows the popup Web browser window for the the selected generated HTML file you chose to view.

Converter Graphical User Interface - browser showing HTML generated search results table

2.1.2 Search User Database with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Generating Reports

The converter has an additional graphical user interface (GUI) mode available to perform a the user-specified database search of a large database file. It can generate and view using a Java Graphical user interface shown below. This assumes that one a database .txt and its corresponding Index Map .idx file (see
Example 16 that generates the a .txt database file and an Index Map .idx file). In addition, it uses a default parameter script ( with additional information used by the search GUI (see Example 17). Processing is relatively quick. For a 151 sample database with 45K rows of gene probes, processing time is 7 or 8 seconds on a PC. Noted: We are releasing a 18 sample database on from arrays that have been publicly release on the NCBI GEO database.

Starting the Search Database program

Processing is relatively quick. For a 151 Sample database with 45K rows of gene probes, processing time is about 7 or 8 seconds on a PC for a list of about 50 genes.

The program is run several ways after opening the GSP-SearchGUI directory. All methods require you to have Java installed (which is the case for almost all computers these days). If your computer allows launching Java applications by clicking on them, just click on the SearchGui.jar file to start the program.

However, if you must explicitly run the Java interpreter, you can do it on the command line (invoked various ways on different operating systems) by typing

     java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\searchGui.jar HTMLtools -searchGui
This line was put into a Windows .BAT file (GSP-SearchGUI.bat) that can be run by clicking on this batch file. Notice that the -Xmx256M specification is available to increase or decrease the amount of memory used. The default memory may vary on different computers. So you can use the script for force it the program to start with more or less memory if you run into problems.

Specifying the search terms and Samples subset

After the windows pops up (see
Figure S.1 below), you must specify a set of search terms and samples before doing the search. The search terms are entered into the text area 1. Enter list of Gene, Well ID or Probe ID... and can be any combination of gene names, mAdb well ids or probe IDs. They will map to the corresponding probe IDs.

You also need to select the set of samples to use by selecting one or more Experiment Groups (see the Jak-Stat Prospector Web site for details on Experiment Groups). In the 2. Select one or more 'Sample Experiment Groups' window, selecting ALL is the default and will select all 18 arrays. You can click on individual Experiment Groups. To select a range, click on the first one that starts the range and then hold the SHIFT key and click the end of the range. To select non-adjacent Experiment Groups, hold the CONTROL key as you select different groups. Pressing the Reset button, will clear these two windows.

Using the Search Database GUI for generating specialized reports

This is illustrated in the following screen shots in Figures S.1 through S.7.

Figure S.1 This shows the search terms (1.) and the sample groups (2) selected for searching the database. After the user selects these, they press the Process. Later, after the search results table is generated, the View HTML button is activated. Pressing the View HTML pops up local Web browser (see example in
Figure S.6).

Database SearchGUI - initial window

The File menu offers additional processing options. You do not need to use any of these menu options to use the program. However, they can be useful for customizing your search results.

You can save the text output generated during processing that is shown in the 3. Processing Report Log scrollable text area at the bottom of the window.Several File menu commands are used with this including: Set report file name, Clear report, and Save report as. The menu Verbose reporting checkbox could be enabled it you want to see the details on the search and table generating as it progresses in the Report Log window. Note that the Clear report, and Save report as commands are also available in the bottom as buttons with the same names.

You must specify a list of data search terms in the upper window 1. Enter list of Gene, Well ID or Probe ID.... The simplest way to specify these terms is to either cut and paste or type them into the window. To help demonstrate and simplify specifying the search terms, there are three commands in the File menu: Set demo data to enter a short list Stat5a Stat5b 1438470_at 1441476_at 1446085_at, Set default user term-list data that uses the list of gene probe IDs data in the file, and Get user term-list data from file that lets the user specify the list from a text file.

When the search results table is being generated, you can modify it's presentation using other File menu options: Sort descending by column data in generated table (see Figure S.3 for more details). The Show data heat-map in View HTML to show the generated results table as a colored heatmap (see Figure S.6 for an example) This is the default. Finally, Set data precision for generated HTML to adjust the number of digits presented in the generated table (0 sets it to no fraction, whereas the default -1 shows the full precision of availble in the data).

After you finish a search, you can do another one. The File menu options: Reset converter or the Reset button will reset the search specification and make the Process button available.

Figure S.2 This shows the menu options in the File menu. This menu offers additional processing options described above.

Database SearchGUI - File menu

Figure S.3 This shows the pop up query to let you define the sort name to specify the generated table gene or gene probe ID column to be used for the sort process. This will then use the gene expression data for the gene probe you specified to sort the sample rows for the entire table. The default is not to sort the data, but to use the sample order of the samples in the expression groups you have specified. This pop up window is invoked from the (File menu | Sort descending by column data in generated table).

Database SearchGUI - popup window to specify the sort column name

Figure S.4 This shows dialog box (File menu | Set data precision for generated HTML). The default is -1 which prints all digits available. Setting it to 0, removes all fractions (used in this example).

Database SearchGUI - popup window to specify precision of data in generated table

Figure S.5 This shows the menu options in the List menu. You may list some of the data matching the gene/probe search terms or EG sample search terms prior to doing the search. The first option is to list all 45K gene/probe ids. The second menu option lets you specify gene/probe search terms either using the exact gene names or using substrings. All genes/probes matching will be reported. The third menu option lets you specify EG samples search terms either using selected EG groups from the list. In addition, this is filtered by a list of substrings which can be qualified as both being required (AND) or either being required (OR) if the EG sample search terms are specified. All lists are reported in the bottom scrollable Report Window.

Database SearchGUI - List menu

Figure S.5.1 This shows results from List menu | List matching genes in database in the Report window . The genes/probes matching the substring terms "stat" and "jak" in the 45K probe database are listed in the scrollable Processing Report log at the bottom of the window.

Database SearchGUI - List Genes selected by sub-string search

Figure S.5.2 This shows results from List menu | List matching EG samples in database in the Report window using the OR condition. The Expression Group (EG) samples matching the substring terms ".treated" or ".untreated" in the 18 sample database are listed in the scrollable Processing Report log at the bottom of the window. It searches within the EG sample groups you have selected. In this example, we have selected "All samples", but any other subset could be used. Also, we required an OR condition to select samples where either of the search terms are present.

Database SearchGUI - List EG samples selected by sub-string search

Figure S.5.3 This shows results from List menu | List matching EG samples in database in the Report window using the AND condition. The Expression Group (EG) samples matching the substring terms ".stat" and ".GH" in the 18 sample database are listed in the scrollable Processing Report log at the bottom of the window. It searches within the EG sample groups you have selected. In this example, we have selected "All samples", but any other subset could be used. Also, we are required an AND condition to select samples where both search terms are present.

Database SearchGUI - List EG samples selected by sub-string search

Figure S.6 This shows the Search window after processing is finished and the View HTML button is made available. Pressing it will pop up a local web browser with the data shown in the next figure. Note that the Process button is now disabled and will be until you reset the converter using the Reset button.

Database SearchGUI - after processing is finished press the 'View HTML' to see search results

Figure S.7 This shows the generated table Web page created by the above search and viewed when the View HTML button was pressed. The colored cells reflect the quantiles that the data belong to and are based on (max, min, mean, stddev) statistics computed over the entire database. The data was sorted by the third probe (Stat5b/1422103_at) and the numeric data was listed with fractions to make it easier to "eyeball" the data.

Database SearchGUI - browser showing the generated search results


Command line switches are case-sensitive and of the form '-switchName:a1,a2,...,an' where: 'switchName' is the minimum number of characters in the switch shown below, and 'a1', 'a2', etc. are the comma-separated switch arguments with no spaces between the commas and the arguments. Use double quotes in arguments with spaces. Tabs are not allowed and all switches must be on the same line unless either the switches are in a parameter file in which case they are on separate lines, or the command lines is entered using line continuation characters for the operating system (e.g., '\' in Unix, etc). Switches with additional arguments require the comma-separated arguments after the ':'. We denote the arguments as being within '{'...'}' brackets. Note you do not include the '{' or '}' brackets in the actual switches - it just denotes that is some argument. There may be multiple instances of some of the switch commands including: -files, -hrefData, -dropColumn, -keepColumn, -reorderColumn, -sortTableByColumn, -mapDollarsigns, -mapQuestionmarks, -copyFile, -copyTree, -genCopySupportFile, -genParamTemplate, -genSummaryTemplate, -genCopyfile, -genTreeCopyData, -dirIndexHtml.

Three additional subsets of specialized commands that are described separately: the 3.1 GenBatchScripts commands, 3.2 Tests-Intersection and the 3.3 Java TreeView commands.

 {parameter command file}
                   [this argument does not start with '-' and is thus
                    assumed to be a parameter command file. It will then 
                    get all of the command switches from this file if 
                    present. Examples of command file contents are in 
                    the EXAMPLES section below. By convention, we name
                    these command text files '' with a '.map' 
                    file extension and keep them in the same directory
                    that we specify with -inputDirectory.  We refer to these
                    fileas throughout this document as "params .map" files.
                    The .map file extension is used for tab-delimited text
                    files that we do not want to convert. We only convert
                    tab-delimited text files with .txt file extensions.]

 -addE:{opt. epilogue file name}
                   ['-addEpilogue:{opt epilogue filename}' add an 
                    epilogue HTML file in inputDir or user directory
                    (common epilogue for all conversions). If the
                    keywords $$DATE$$ or $$INPUTFILENAME$$ is in the
                    file, it will substitute today's date or file name
                    respectively. $$FILE_ZIP_EXTENSION$$ will substitute
                    the file name with a ".zip" extension. Default name is 
                    'epilogue.html'. Default is to not add an epilogue to 
                    the HTML output.]
 -addO:{postfix name}
                   ['-addOutfilePostfix:{postfix name}' add a postfix
                    name to the output file before the .html. E.g., for
                    an output file 'abc.html', with a postfix name of 
                    '-xyz', the new name is 'abcxyz.html'. This can
                    be useful if you are mapping the same input file
                    by several different files and saving
                    them all in the same html/ output directory.]

 -addP:{opt. prolog file name}
                   ['-addProlog:{opt. prolog file name}' to add a prolog 
                    HTML file in inputDir or user directory (common prolog 
                    for all conversions. If the keywords $$DATE$$ or
                    $$INPUTFILENAME$$ is in the file, it will 
                    substitute today's date or file name respectively.
                    $$FILE_ZIP_EXTENSION$$ will substitute the file name 
                    with a ".zip" extension. Default name is 'prolog.html'. 
                    The default is to not add a prolog to the HTML output.]

                   ['-addRowNumbers to preface each row with sequential
                   row numbers. Default is to not add row numbers.]

                   ['-addTableName' to add TABLE name to HTML. Default 
                    is to not add the name.]

                   ['-allowHdrDups' to allow duplicate column fields 
                    in the header. Default is to not allow duplicates.]

 -alt:{color name}
                   ['-alternateRowBackgroundColor:{c}' alternate the
                    background row cell colors in the <TABLE>. 
                    Default is no color changes.]

 -batchP:{file of param specs, opt. new working dir}
                   ['-batchProcess:{file of param specs, opt. new working dir}'
                    batch process a list of type files specified
                    in a file. If the {opt. new working dir}value is 
                    specified, it will change the current working directory 
                    of the HTMLtools when runnning -batchProcess so
                    that you can specify it run in a particular environment.
                    No other switches should be used with this as they will 
                    be ignored. If errors occur in any of the batch jobs, 
                    the errors are logged in the HTMLtools.log file 
                    and it aborts that particular job and continues on
                    to do the next job in the batch list. Default
                    is no batch processing.]

                   ['-concatTables:{concatenatedDataFile,opt."noHTML"}' to
                    create a new tab-delimited {concatenatedDataFile} (e.g., 
                    ".txt" or ".map" file) and a .html output file using the
                    base address (without the ".txt" or ".map" file extensions)
                    of the {concatenatedDataFile} and if the "noHTML" option
                    is not specified. The data is from the set of concatenated 
                    input text files data if-and-only-if they have exactly the 
                    same column header names. The -outputDir specifies where 
                    the files are saved. The input files are not converted
                    to HTML files. Default is to not concatinate the
                    input files. The -makeMapFile switch can be used
                    along with the concat switch to make a map file with fewer
                   ['-copyFile:{srcFile,destFile}' to copy an input source
                    file {srcFile} to a destination subdirectory {destDir}. 
                    There can be multiple instances of this option. Default is 
                    to not copy tree data.]                     
                   ['-copyTree:{srcTreeFiles,destPath}' to copy an input 
                     source tree subdirectory to a destination subdirectory. 
                     There can be multiple instances of this option. Default is
                     to not copy tree data.] 
 -dataP:{nbr digits precision}'
                    [-dataPrecisionHTMLtable:{nbr digits precision}' sets the
                     precision to use in numeric data  for a generated HTML file.
                     The table must be a numeric data table (such as generated
                     using the '-flipTableByIndexMap' option. If the value is < 0, 
                     then use the full precision of the data (as supplied in the input 
                     string data). If {nbr digits precision} >= 0, then clip digits 
                     as required.]
 -dirIndexHtml:{dir,'O'verride or 'N'ooverride}
                    ['-dirIndexHtml:{dir,'O'verrideor 'N'ooverride}' to create 
                    "index.html" files of all of the files in the specified directories 
                     in the list of directories specified with multiple copies
                     of this switch. It is useful when copying a set of directories
                     on a Web server that does not show the contents of the directory
                     if there is no index.html file. In addition, if the corresponding
                     flag 'Override', then override the "index.html" file it it 
                     already exists in that directory otherwise don't generate the 
                     "index.html" file. Do this recursively on each directory.
                     Default is no index.html file generation. Multiple copies
                     of the switch are allowed.]

 -dropColumn:{column header name}
                   ['-dropColumn:{column header name}' to specify a 
                    column to drop from the ouput TABLE. There can be
                    multiple instances of this switch.]

 -exportB:{opt. big size threshold}
                   ['-exportBigCellsToHTMLfile:{opt. size for big}'
                    to save the contents of big cells as separate
                    HTML files with a prefix
                    So for a (r,c) of (4,5) and a file name 'xyz.html',
                    the generated name would be 'big-R4C5-xyz.html'.
                    The big size threshold defaults to 200. Default is no
                    exporting of big cells.]

                    htmlStyle}' to get and lookup a keyword in the
                    table being processed at (colName,rowNbr) and then
                    to search a resourceTblFile for that keyword. If
                    it found, then it will extract the header row and
                    the data row from the resource file and create
                    HTML of htmlStyle to insert into the epilogue.
                    If $$EXTRACT_ROW$$ is in the epilogue, then 
                    replace it with the generated HTML else insert
                    the HTML at the front of the epilogue. The
                    htmlStyles may be DL, OL, UL and TABLE. Default
                    is no row extraction.]
                    ['-fastEditFile:{opt. output file} to allow processing
                     input file data line by line table that does not
                     buffer the data in a Table structure, but remaps each
                     line on the fly using -mapHdrNames,
                     {-dropColumns or -keepColumns} followed by 
                     -reorderColumns. Data is written immediately to an 
                     output stream so it can handle huge files. Because 
                     it is sequential, it can't do a -sortRowsByColumnData.
                     This would generally be used to generate a  tab-delim
                     .txt files that can be random accessed. HTML table
                     generation is disabled. It is used instead of 
                     '-saveEditedTable2File:{outTblFile,opt. "noHTML"}' 
                     and overides the -saveEditedTable2File options. 
                     Default is not to do a fast edit.]

                   ['-files:{f1,f2,...,fn}' to specify list of files
                    here rather than all in all of the files in the 
                    inputDir. You can have multiple instances of this
 -flipC:{flipColumnFile,flipColumnName} or -flipC:{*LIST*,flipColumnName,v1,v2,} 
                    to specify the source Table column name to use in
                    filtering which row data to use in the 
                    '-flipTableByIndexMap' operation. An alternative specification
                    is '-flipColumnName:{*LIST*,flipColumnName,v1,v2,}'
                    where the values are listed explicitly. Multiple instances
                    of this '-flipColumnName' switch are used to specify
                    the header entries by '{flipColumnName}' of the new 
                    flipped table. If the {flipColumnFile}' files exist,
                    they are used to filter the {flipDataFile} row entries.
                    Only the rows of the original Table that match one
                    of the {column-data-list} entries will be transposed.
                    Default is to transpose all rows unless the filter
                    files are specified.]                    
                   ['-flipExcludeColumnName:{flipExcludeColumnName}' to specify the
                    column names from the source Table exclude from the final flipped 
                    Table using the '-flipTableByIndexMap' operation. Multiple instances
                    of this switch are allowed. Default is to include all data Table 
                    columns unless the filter is specified.]                  
                    to specify the list of columns in the source Table that will be
                    used to create the flipped Table multi-line header entries.
                    This option must be specified when using the '-flipTableByIndexMap' 

 -flipRowF:{flipRowFilterNamesfile} or
                   ['-flipRowFilterNamesFile:{flipRowNamesFile}' or the alternate
                    '-flipRowFilterNamesFile:{*LIST*,name1,name2,...,nameK}'switch specifies
                    the source Table column names to use in filtering which source sample 
                    columns data will be used as rows in the finalflipped Table using the 
                    '-flipTableByIndexMap' operation. Analternative specification is 
                    '-flipRowFilterNamesFile:{*LIST*,name1,name2,...,nameK}' where the values
                    are listed explicitly. If the "*LIST*" name is used instead of the file
                    name, then the rest of the switch specifies the row names. Only the 
                    columns of the original Table that partially match one the 
                    {flipRowNamesFile} entries will be transposed. Default is to transpose 
                    all data Table columns unless the filter is specified.]

 -flipRowGSP:{list of filter substrings}
                   ['-flipRowGSPIDfilters:{list of filter substrings}' is an optiona         
                    list of substring filters used to filter Experiment Group sample name
                    rows in the flipped table computation when using the
                    '-flipTableByIndexMap:{flipDataFile,flipIndexMapFile}' switch. It matches
                    case-independent substrings in the GSP ID names for the samples where
                    if more than one substring is specified, then they must all be found
                    for that sample to be used (e.g., ".Stat .GH" requires a ".Stat" and
                    a ".GH" to be present). Default is no filtering.] 
                   ['-flipSaveOutputFile:{flipSaveOutputFile}' is the alternate 
                    output (HTML and TXT) file name to use when generating the 
                    flipped Table using the 
                    switch. Default is to generate the output file name from the
                    input file base name, adding a postfix using the
                    '-addOutfilePostfix:{postfix name}' or "-flipped" default
                    postfix. If the switch is not specified, it will use the base 
                    input file name. (See Example 14
                    for an example of it's usage.) ]
                    to generate a transposed file using random access file indexing to 
                    create a multi-line header (1 line for each column name in the 
                    list) using the list of columns previously specified with the 
                    -flipColTableList and -flipRowTableList filters. It uses the index-map
                    created with '-makeIndexMapFile:{colName1,colName2,...,colNameN}'
                    command. It analyze the index map Table and then uses 
                    all columns before the ("StartByte", "EndByte") columns
                    to define the flipped Table header. See the '-flipColTableList' and 
                    -flipRowTableList to restrict which flipped column data to use. 
                    See the '-flipRowTableList' to restrict which flipped row data to 
                    use. Default is to not flip the Table.]                   
                   ['-flipUseExactColumnNameMatch:{TRUE | FALSE}' to specify the exact 
                    match filter flag. If an exact match, then match '-flipColumnName:{names}'
                    exactly, otherwise do look for substring matches. Ignore case in
                    both instances. This option may be specified when using the 
                    '-flipTableByIndexMap' operation. The default if no 
                    flipUseExactColumnNameMatch is specified is "AND".]            

                   ['-fontSizeHtml:{font Size modifier}' to change
                     the <TABLE> FONT SIZE in the HTML file.]
                   ['-gui' to invoke the graphical user interface version
                    of the converter. See 
                    Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to run the converter.] 
                   ['-hdrLines:n' to include in header. The last line
                    row is the one searched for mapping column URLs.
                    Default is 1 line.]                  
                   ['-hdrMapName:{oldHdrColName,newHdrColName}' to map
                    an old header column name {oldHdrColName} to a new
                    name {newHdrColName}. There may be multiple instances
                    of this switch. Default is to not do any mappings.]

                    ['-joinTableFile:{joinTableFile}' adds the contents of 
                     the {joinTableFile} file to the table being processed. 
                     This allows us to add fields that can be used for 
                     sorting the new table by the {joinTableFile} data
                     if it is defined. This switch can not be used with 
                     the -fastEditFile option. Default is not to join
                     any tables.]

                   ['-keepColumn:{colName}' specifies which columns
                    to keep in multiple instances of the switch.
                    Then, when the Table is processed, it drops all
                    columns not listed. It may be used as an 
                    alternative to -dropColumn as the Table may have
                    unknown column names. Default is not active.]

 -help (or '?')
                   [print instructions to see the README.txt file.]

                   ['-hrefData:{colHdrName,Url,(optional)mapToken}' to
                    get the mapping of column header name and the Url to use 
                    as a base link to use for making a URL for Table data
                    in that column. It makes the URL by appending the data 
                    in cells in that column to the Url. ([TODO] If 
                    the optional mapToken is specified, then replace the cell 
                    contents for the occurance of the mapToken in Url.) 
                    There can be multiple instances of this switch. See
                    the following switch '-hrefHeaderRow' to change the mapping
                    from Table data to header rows. ]
                   ['-hrefHeaderRowMapping' is used with the above switch
                    '-hrefData:{colHdrName,Url,(optional)mapToken}' to map
                    the data in the header row(s) instead of the data in 
                    the Table data columns. It searches the first column of
                    the header rows to find the colHdrName to determine 
                    the row to be mapped to that colHdrName. Unlike the
                    -hrefData option, the colHdrName can be embedded within  
                    a string. The default is not to map the header rows.]

 -inputD:{input directory}
                   ['-inputDirectory:{input dir}' where the input 
                    tab-delimited table .txt files to be converted are
                    found. By convention, we name other text files that 
                    we may need, and want to keep in the inputDirectory 
                    but do not want to convert to HTML, with a '.map' 
                    file extension. Examples of non-data files include 
                    '', 'prolog.html', 'epilogue.html', etc., 
                    Default directory is 'data/'.]
 -limitM:{maxNbrRows,(opt.)sortFirstByColName,(opt.)'A'scending or 'D'escending}
                    (opt.)'A'scending or 'D'escending}' to limit the number of 
                    rows of a table to {maxNbrRows}. If the {sortFirstByColName}
                    is specified, then sort the table first before limit the 
                    number of rows. Default is  not to limit rows.]

 -log:{new log file name}
                   ['-logName:{new log file name}' to log all 
                   information about the processing to the console and
                   then to save this output in a log file. The new file
                   must end in ".log". Default is to use the 
                   "HTMLtools.log" file name.]
                   ['-makeIndexMapFile:{colName1,colName2,...,colNameN}' to
                    make an index map Table file (same name as the input file
                    but with an .idx file extension) of the input file (or the
                    file output from -saveEditedTable2File after the input 
                    table has been edited). The index file will contain the
                    specified columns in the column-list followed by the 
                    StartByte, EndByte for data in the input table with those
                    column values. This file can then be used to quickly 
                    index a huge input file probably using a Hash table of 
                    the selected column names instances to lookup the 
                    (start,end) file byte pointers to random access the 
                    large file. The software to use the index file is not
                    part of HTMLtools at this time.
                    The default is not to make an index map file.]

                    used with -concatTable command to also make a map
                    file at the same time. This switch is only used
                    with -concatTable. Default is no map is made.]

                   ['-makePrefaceHTML' to make a separate preface
                    HTML file from the input text proceeding the table
                    data. The file has the same name, but has a
                    "preface-" added to the front of the file name. The 
                    first generated HTML file is then linked from the 
                    second generated file. Default no preface file.]
                    ['-makeStatisticsIndexMapFile' to make a 'Statistics Index Map' 
                     table file with the same base file name as the index map (.idx) 
                     but with a .sidx file extension. It is invoked after the 
                     IndexMap file is created (using the '-makeIndexMapFile' switch).
                     Therefore, it must be specified in a subsequent command line 
                     (if using batch). Default is not to make a Statistics Index Map.]

                   ['-mapDollarsigns:{$$keyword$$,toString}' to 
                    map cell data of the form '$${keyword}$$' to
                    {toString}. The preface, epilogue as well as the
                    table cell data is checked to see if any keywords
                    should be mapped. There may be multiple instances
                    of this switch. Default is to not do any mappings.]

                    to map header names. E.g., map long to short header 
                    names, or map obscure to well-defined header names. 
                    The map file (specified with a relative path) is a 
                    tab-delimited and must contain both the {fromHdrName} 
                    and {toHdrName} entries. Default is no mapping.]

                   ['-mapOptionsList' to map ;; delimited strings 
                    to inactive <OPTION> pull-down option lists.
                    Default is no mapping to option lists.]

                   ['-mapQuestionmarks:{??keyword??,toString}' to 
                    map cell data of the form '??{keyword}??' to
                    {toString}. If the toString is BOLD_RED,
                    BOLD_GREEN, or BOLD_BLUE, then just map the
                    all ??{keyword}?? string to bold and red (green,
                    or blue). The preface, epilogue as well as the
                    table cell data is checked to see if any keywords
                    should be mapped. There may be multiple instances
                    of this switch. Default is to not do any mappings.]

                   ['-noBorder' to set no border for tables. The
                    default is there is a 'BORDER=1' in the TABLE.]

                   ['-noHeader' set no header for tables. The 
                    default is there is a header in input file.]
                   ['-noHTML' set to not generate HTML if it would
                    normally do so. This switch disallows generation of
                    HTML when doing a input file processing if that 
                    operation also allows HTML generation. This is useful
                    if doing editing of large input files to generate 
                    index maps or saved files. The default is to allow
                    the generation of HTML..]

 -outputD:{output directory}
                   ['-outputDirectory:{output directory}' to set the 
                    output directory.  The default directory is 'html/'.]

                   ['-reorderColumn:{colName,newColNbr}' to reorder
                    this column to the new column number. You may
                    specify multiple new columns (they must be
                    different). Those columns not specified are moved
                    toward the right. This is done after the list of
                    dropped columns has been processed. There can be
                    multiple instances of this switch. Default is not
                    to reorder columns.]

                   ['-reorderRemainingColumnsAlphabeticly' used if doing
                    a set of -reorderColumn operations, sort the remaining 
                    columns not specified, but that are used, alphabetically.
                    Default is not to sort the remaining columns.]

                   ['-rmvTrailingBlankRowsAndColumns' in the table.
                    Default is not to remove trailing blank lines or
                    trailing blank columns.]
 -saveE:{outTblFile,opt. "HTML"}
                    ['-saveEditedTable2File:{outTblFile,opt. "HTML"}'
                     to make a Table file from the modified input 
                     table stream. It is created after the Table is
                     edited by -dropColumns, -keepColumns, 
                     -reorderColumns, -sortRowsByColumn. If the outTblFile
                     is not specified (i.e., ":,") then the input file name
                     with the name from the input file with the postfile
                     name from the '-addOutfilePostfix:{postfix name}' is 
                     used. If the "HTML" option is set, it also outputs the 
                     HTML when doing this operation. Note that the switch
                     should not be used with '-fastEditFile:{opt. output file}'
                     which can be used for converting very large files
                     without generating the HTML file. Default is not to save 
                     the Table.]
                   ['-searchGui' to invoke the graphical user interface for the
                    database search engine to generate a flip table. See 
                    Search Database GUI generating specialized reports. 
                    Also see Example-17
                    for examples of the default parameter file used as the
                    basis of the flip table generated. Default is no search GUI.]                             

 -shrinkB:{opt. size for big,opt. font size decrement}
                   ['-shrinkBigCells:{opt. size for big,opt. font size
                    decrement}' in the Table with more than the big
                    threshold number of characters/cell by decreasing
                    the font size to -5 (or the opt. font size 
                    decrement) for those cells. The big size threshold
                    defaults to 25 characters. Setting the threshold to
                    1 forces all cells to shrink. Default is not to
                    shrink cells.]
                   ['-showDataHeatmapFlipTable' used to generate colored heat-map
                    data cells in a HTML conversion for a flip table using the 
                    '-flipTableByIndexMap' option. It uses the global statistics 
                    on the (digital) data in the Statistics Index Map .sidx file 
                    if it exists to normalize the data and generate a cell color 
                    background range in 7 quantiles of colors: dark green, 
                    medium green, light green, white, light red, medium red, dark red. 
                    Default is not to generate the colored heatmap.]
 -sortFlip:{col data name}
                   ['-sortFlipTableByColumnName:{col data name}' specifies the name 
                    of field in the flip table to use in sorting by column data in 
                    descending order in the generated table. It is used with the 
                    '-flipTableByIndexMap' option. Note this name can be any of the 
                    flipped header column  values (multiheader data names}. When doing
                    the sort it matches  the specified name with any of the header 
                    rows to find the column to use for the sort. Default is not to
                    sort the generated flip table.]

 -sortR:{colName,'A'scending or 'D'escending}
                   ['-sortRowsByColumn:{colName,'A'scending or specified column. 
                    You can specify 'Ascending' or 'D'escending. This is done after
                    any columns have been dropped or reordered. Default is not to
                    sort columns. If the column is not found, don't sort - just 
                    continue. You can have multiple instances of the switches. If the 
                    first column name is not found, it looks for the second, etc.
                    and only ignores the sort if no column names are found. Default 
                    is not to sort the table.]
                   ['-startTableAtKeywordLine:{keyword} specifies the start
                    of the last line of a Table header by a keyword that
                    is part of any of the fields in that line. This is
                    useful when reading a file with complex preface info
                    with possibly multiple blank lines. It can be used
                    with the '-hdrLines' switch to specify multiple
                    header lines. Default no keyword search.]                    
                   ['-tableDir:{tablesDirectory}' to set the various mapping
                     tables directory. These tables are used during various
                     conversion procedures. They include both the .txt and
                     the .map file (same file, but with different extensions).
                     Examples include:,
            The default directory is 
                   ['-useOnlyLastHeaderLine' to reduce the number of header 
                    lines to 1 even if there are more than 1 header line.
                    Default is to use all of the header lines.]

3.1 GenBatchScripts COMMANDS Extension

These commands are used to create batch scripts for subsequent use by HTMLtools. This set of commands is called the GenBatchScript commands. The GenBatchScript process is described in
Section 1.1. The -genBatchScript command is only used to generate these batch scripts in a set of structured trees suitable for copying directly to a Web server. It uses a test-ToDo-list.txt Table to specify a list of tests, column "Test-name", a column "Relative directory" where the data is to be saved and some documentation columns "Page label", "Page description", and "Tissue name" that are used for helping generate the Summary HTML Web pages and params .map files used in the subsequent conversion of the .txt Table data files to HTML documentation. See Example 15. for am example of a file using the GenBatchScripts commands.

Section 7 describes creating and running the scripts for the batchScripts/ directory for creating Web pages.

The parameters specify the data used in the output files generation include several directories in the batchScripts/ directory:

Additional data files are used when the -genBatchScripts command is run including:

*** REWRITE and EDIT more detailed and generalized description ***

There may be multiple instances of the -genCopySupportFile, -genParamTemplate, -genSummaryTemplate switches.

                    outputTreeDir,analysisTreeDir,JTVDir}' to generate a set 
                    of scripts to batch convert a set of tab-delimited Table
                    test data files specified by the -genTestFile:{testToDoFile}
                    Table in the {batchDir} directory. It generates a set of 
                    parameter .map files in the {paramScriptsDir} directory. It
                    also generates a set of summary HTML Web pages in {summaryDir}
                    that describe the data, one page for each type of tissue, 
                    and (pre) generates links to data that will be generated in
                    the {analysisTreeDir} when the batch script is subsequently 
                    run. These new params .map files can then be run by a converter
                    batch file called buildWebPages.doit started with a 
                    Windows buildWebPages.bat BAT file to start the batch
                    job (both files are in the batchDir directory along with a 
                    copy of HTMLtools.jar). The buildWebPages.bat file
                    could easily be edited to run on MacOS-X or Linux. The paths 
                    created in the {inputTreeDir}, and {analysisTreeDir} base paths
                    use the "Relative Directory" data in the {testToDoFile} within
                    those directories. This generated batch .doit script will
                    process a data set to generate a set of HTML pages and 
                    converted database .txt files defined by the {testToDoFile}
                    Table database. Default is no batch script generation. 
                    Additional switches required with -genBatchScripts are:
                    -genTestFile, -genMapEGdetails, and -genMapEGintroduction]

 -genC:{support file}
                   ['-genCopySupportFile:{support file}' to specify a list
                    of support files to copy to the output batchDir (e.g., 
                    '-outputDir:batchScripts'). The support files are 
                    specified with a list created using multiple instances of 
                    -genCopySupportFile:{support file}. Default is no support
                    files to copy.]                    
                   ['-genMapEGdetails:{EGdetailsMapFile}' specifies the 
                    'details' Table used when the -genBatchScripts switch is 
                    invoked. This is required when the -genBatchScripts switch
                    is used.] 
                   ['-genMapIntroduction:{introductionMapFile}' specifies the 
                    'Introduction' Table used when the -genBatchScripts switch
                    is invoked. This is required when the -genBatchScripts 
                    switch is used.]
                    ['-genParamTemplate:{name,paramTemplateFileName}' to
                    specify a list of parameter map Templates that are used 
                    for mapping the test-ToDo-list data so that (param-MRR, 
                    param-MRR-keep, param-JTV) etc. dynamically.  These are 
                    then mapped into the following keywords that may appear in
                    any of these templates: $$TISSUE$$, "$$TEST_NAME$$", 
                    "$$MRR_FILE$$", $$DESCRIPTION$$, $$PROLOG$$, $$EPILOG$$, 
                    $$DATE$$. Multiple unique instances are allowed. The
                    default is no parameter templates.]
                   ['-genSummaryTemplate:{orderNbr,templateFileName}' to define
                    a list of Summary Templates that are used for mapping the
                    test-ToDo-list data so that (summaryProlog, summaryExperimental,
                    summaryAnalysis, summaryFurtherAnalysis, summaryEpilogue) 
                    etc. dynamically. Set by -genSummaryTemplate:{orderNbr,
                    templateFileName} instances that can be used to generalized 
                    the currently hardwired. These are then mapped into the 
                    following keywords that may appear in any of these templates: 
                    $$TISSUE$$, $$LIST_EXPR_GROUPS$$, $$DESCRIPTION$$, 
                    $$ANALYSIS$$, $$FURTHERANALYSIS$$, $$DATE$$. The 
                    $$INTRODUCTION$$ is extracted from the {""}.
                    Default is no templates being defined. Multiple instances
                    are allowed where they are concatenenated by the orderNbr
                    associated with each template.] 
                   ['-genTestFile:{testToDoFile}' specifies the tests to do
                    when the -genBatchScripts switch is invoked. This is 
                    required when the -genBatchScripts switch is used.]  
                   ['-genTreeCopyData:{sourceTreeDir,destDir}' to copy an
                    input data tree data to batch scripts subdirectory.
                    There can be multiple instances of this option.
                    Default is to not copy tree data.]                 

3.2 Tests-Intersection COMMANDS Extension

These Tests-Intersections subset of commands are only used to create Tests-Intersection tables from mAdb Retrieval Reports (MRR) containing fold-change data from the Tests-ToDo database used with GenBatchScripts. The primary command to invoke this is the makeTestsIntersectionTbl switch. These Tests-Intersection commands can be used with the regular HTML or table editing commands such as '-noHTML' and/or '-saveTable' switches. If HTML is generated, then the '-addProlog' and '-addEpilogue', '-mapQuestion', and '-mapDollar', '-sortByColumn', -limitMaxTableRows, etc. See
Example 13 for an example of generating a Tests-Intersection tab-delimited table and HTML Web page.

                   ['-addFCrangesForTestsIntersectionTable' may be used when 
                    generating a table Tests-Intersection Table using the 
                    '-makeTestsIntersectionTbl:{testsToDoFile}'. This switch
                    does a simple fold-change (FC) row analysis after the
                    Tests-Intersection Table is created by adding ("Min FC" 
                    "Max FC" "FC Range") data for each row. Because this
                    extends the table, you can sort by any of these fields.]                    
                   ['-addRangeOfMeansToTItable' to add the ("Range Mean A", 
                    "Range Mean B" and "FC counts %") computations to an expanded
                    Tests-Intersection Table table. Default is to not add these 
                   ['-filterDataTestIntersection:{dataTableField,d1,d2,...,dn}' that
                    is used with the '-makeTestsIntersectionTbl:{testsToDoFile}' to
                    filter the MRR rows using the  specified MRR {dataTableField}
                    and use it if it matches any of {d1,d2,...,dn} substrings.
                    The default is not to filter the Tests-Intersection Table.]
                   ['-filterDataTestIntersection:{testTableField,d1,d2,...,dn}' that
                    is used with the '-makeTestsIntersectionTbl:{testsToDoFile}' to
                    filter the Tests-ToDo table rows using the specified {testTableField}
                    and use it if it matches any of {d1,d2,...,dn} substrings.
                    The default is not to filter the Tests-Intersection Table.]
                   ['-makeTestsIntersectionTbl:{testsToDoFile}' that
                    generates a table Tests-Intersection Table that contains
                    data from the individual tests from the tests input data tree
                    specified by the tests in -tableDir directory in the
                    {testsToDoFile} which specifies the relative data file tree.
                    The tree is found in -inputDir directory. The data files in 
                    the tree are used as input data. The computed table is 
                    organized by rows of +FC genes/Feature-IDs and -FC 
                    genes/Feature-IDs. The data from the {testsToDoFile} is used 
                    to get additional information for each test as follows.
                    This switch is used with the '-noHTML' and/or '-saveTable'
                    switches. If HTML is generated, then the '-addProlog' and
                    '-addEpilogue', '-mapQuestion', and '-mapDollar' can be used.
                    You can filter the MRR rows using the 
                    '-filterDataTestIntersection:{dataTableField,d1,d2,...,dn}' and
                    the {testsToDoFile} test data using the                     
                    The default is not to make the Tests-Intersection Table. You
                    can do a simple FC row analysis by adding ("Min FC" "Max FC"
                    "FC Range") for each row using the
                    '-addFCrangesForTestsIntersectionTable' switch.]

3.3 Java TreeView COMMANDS Extension

These commands are only used to convert Java TreeView (JTV) mAdb heatmap data files for use on the Jak Stat Prospector Web site. In addition to mapping the sample names from mAdb names to GSP ID names, it reorders the data so that the "gene - gene description" appears first rather than the "WID: #" in the "NAME" field. It also changes the contents of the "YORF" field data to the "gene - gene description" data so that when mousing over a heatmap cell in the zoom window, the upper left-hand corner displays the "gene - gene description" for the row and the GSP ID sample for the column.
  "WID:... || xxxxxx_at || MAP:... || gene -- geneDescr. || RID:..."
  "gene -- geneDescr. || xxxxxx_at || WID:... ||  MAP:... || RID:..."
You can not mix tab-delimited file to HTML conversions with JTV conversions in the params .map files.
 -jvtB:{button name for JTV activation button}
                   ['jvtButtonName:{button name for JTV activation button}' 
                    that may be used with '-jtvHTMLgenerate' to label the 
                    button to activate Java TreeView. The default is 
                    "Press the button to activate JTV".]

 -jtvC:{JTV jars directory}
                   ['-jtvCopyJTVjars:{JTV jars directory}' to copy the 
                    JTV jar files and plugins to the jtvOutputDir. 
                    The default is no copying of the .jar files.]

 -jvtD:{description text for prologue}
                   ['-jvtDescription:{description text for prologue}' 
                    that may be used with '-jtvHTMLgenerate' to insert 
                    additional text into the prolog where it replaces 
                    $$DATA_DESCRIPTION$$. The default is no description.]                   
                   ['-jtvFiles:{f1,f2,...,fn}' to specify list of files
                    here rather than all in all of the files in the 
                    jtvInputDir. You can have multiple instances of this
                   ['-jtvHTMLgenerate' to generate a HTML file to invoke
                    the JTV applet for each JTV specification in the 
                    jtvInputDir. It puts the HTML file in the jtvOutputDir. 
                    Some of the non-JTV HTML modification switches are 
                    operable including: '-addEpilogue', '-addOutfilePostfix',
                    '-addProlog', '-mapQuestionmarks'. The default is to not
                    generate JTV HTML.]

 -jtvI:{input JTV directory}
                   ['-jtvInputDir:{input JTV directory}' to set the
                    input directory of JTV sub directories. This contains
                    the zipped or unzipped JTV files downloaded from mAdb.
                    Each zip file contains 3 files with (.atr,.cdt,.gtr) 
                    extensions. Default directory is 'JTVinput/'.]

 -jtvO:{output JTV directory}
                   ['-jtvOutputDir:{output JTV directory}' to set the
                    output directory of JTV sub directories. The converted
                    JTV directory and a corresponding HTML file are saved
                    there. Default directory is 'JTVoutput/'.]

                    fromHdrName,toHdrName}' to convert a list of sub 
                    directories of JTV file sets by reading the three files
                    from the each of the subdirectories in the jtvInputDir
                    directory. The {mAdbArraySummaryFile} and {mapHdrNamesFile} 
                    are specified with a relative path. It maps the .cdt file
                    in each sub directory to use the {toHdrName} column of
                    the equivalent mapNamesFile map Table instead of 
                    the "EID:'mAdb ID'" as generated by mAdb. The mapping 
                    between "mAdb ID" and short array names is done using 
                    the {fromHdrName} column of the jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile
                    Table map. It then writes out the JTV subset to a created
                    sub directory in jtvOutputDir that has the same base
                    name as the input JTV subdirectory being processed.
                    See the optional switches: '-jtvInputDir:{jtvInputDir}'
                    and '-jtvOutputDir:{jtvOutputSubDir}' to set the
                    directories to other than the defaults ("JTVinput" and
                    "JTVoutput"). The values for {fromHdrName} and {toHdrName}
                    should be in the of mapNamesFile.]

 -jtvR             [TODO]
                   ['-jtvReZipConvertedFiles' to reZip the converted files
                    in the output JTV directory in a file with the same name. 
                    Default is not to zip the converted files.]  
                   ['-jtvTableDir:{tablesDirectory}' to set the various mapping
                    tables directory. These tables are used during various
                    conversion procedures. They include both the .txt and
                    the .map file (same file, but with different extensions).
                    Examples include:,
           Note: this switch is used when
                    processing JTV files, but may also be set with the
                    '-tableDir:{tablesDirectory}' switch. The default directory
                    is 'data.Table/'.]


We demonstrate running the program with a set of examples (and a few sub examples). The first (1 through 8) are for converting tab-delimited .txt files to .html files. Example 9 illustrates remapping sample labels for a Java TreeView conversion. Example 10 shows how these examples can be run by specifying a list of parameter .map files using a batch command. Example 11 illustrates editing a very large .txt file into another .txt file using the fast edit command. Example 12 illustrates URL mapping the header data in a transposed table. Example 13 generates a Tests-Intersection .txt and .html table from the tests data also used in Example 13. Example 14 illustrates generating a flipped table with hyperlinked multi-line headers with data filtered by rows and column name filters. Example 15 illustrates generating a set of batch jobs to convert data described in a table file generating summary Web pages, a set of params .map files in a tree structure. Example 16 is used for preparing a database and an Index Map files for used in the GUI based database search shown in Example 17.

One could experiment with these parameter files adding or removing various options such as -dropColumn, -reorderColumn, -sortTable, etc.

Example 1.

The program with no arguments uses the defaults described above. I will look for tab-delimited .txt files in the default input directory (data/) and save the generated HTML files in the output directory (html/). It also looks for the default template files prolog.html and epilogue.html in the current directory.

Example 2.

The defaults for Example 1 are shown explicitly here. [The '\' indicates line continuations in Unix for ease of reading here, but they should all be on the same line when the command is issued from the command line unless line continuation charactes are used for your particular operating system.]
HTMLtools -addPrologue:prolog.html -addEpilogue:epilogue.html \
     -inputDir:data -outputDir:html -tableDir:data.Table

Example 3.

This gets the arguments from the default data/ file if it exists. These params .map files are generally kept in the in the same directory as the .txt input files to be converted. We could use any other file extension except .txt (since we are converting all .txt files found in the data directory). So by convention we use the .map file extension instead.
     HTMLtools data/

Example 4.

This uses a simple spreadsheets with row background colors alternated between the prolog background color and white, big cells have their font shrunk, trailing blank rows are removed, The switches are in file ''. The '-extractRow:"Experiment Group ID (1),1,data.Table/,DL"' switch tells it to extract the row that matches data in column "Experiment Group ID (1)" in the table with the same column name in the file column (row 1) and generate a >DL< list in the epilogue. This lets you use data from a meta-database table to document each of the individual tables being converted.
GSP-Inventory.xls EG samples data saved from Excel worksheets. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.GSPI-EG/ 
where: data.GSPI-EG/ 
#"Revised: 3-30-2009"
-addTableName:"GSP Experiment Group Samples"
-extractRow:"Experiment Group ID (1),1,data.Table/,DL"
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 4.1

Example to generate a concatenated .txt file from a set of simple spreadsheets. Row background colors are alternated, big cells have their font shrunk, trailing blank rows are removed.
E.g., single table from set of EG001.txt to EG0nn.txt single files with single row headers from the
GSP-Inventory.xls data saved from Excel worksheets. They are concatenated to file "EGMAP.txt". The switches are in file ''. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.GSPI-EG/ 
where: data.GSPI-EG/ 
#"Revised: 3-29-2009"
-addTableName:"GSP Inventory Concatenated List of all EG Samples"
#"Save the concatenated data in the following file."
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 4.2

This example extends Example 4.1 to generate a HTML file of a concatenated set of .txt files. They are concatenated to the "EGMAP.html" file. The switches are in file ''. Note the use of the 'noTXT' argument in the '-concatTables' switch. Row background colors are alternated, big cells have their font shrunk, trailing blank rows are removed. The switches are in file 'data.GSPI-EG/'. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.GSPI-EG/ 
where: data.GSPI-EG/ 
#"Revised: 3-29-2009"
-addTableName:"GSP Inventory Concatenated List of all EG Samples"
#"Save the concatenated data in the following file."
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 4.3

This example (extends
Example 4.1) to generate a map file from concatenated .txt files from a set of simple spreadsheets using the -concatTable switch. The generated file is saved in file data.Table/ Alternatively, the .map file could be specified with the '-mapHdrNames' switch to restrict the columns to appear in the generated .map file. There is no HTML file generated. The switches are in file 'data.Maps/'. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.Maps/
where: data.Maps/ 
#"Revised: 3-30-2009"
#"Generate the file, but no HTML file."
-addTableName:"Concatenation of all GSP Experiment Groups tables."
#"---------- end ---------"

Example 5.

This uses a simple spreadsheet with mapping some of the cells to colored bold fonts. Row background colors are alternated, big cells have their font shrunk, trailing blank rows are removed. The switches are in file ''.
GSP-Inventory.xls 'ExperimentGroups' sheet describing samples data saved from Excel worksheets. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.GSPI-ExpGrp/
where: data.GSPI-ExpGrp/ 
#"Revised: 3-30-2009"
-addTableName:"GSP Experiment Groups Details"
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 5.1

This example is an extension of
Example 5., except that it uses the '-exportBigCellsToHTMLfile:200' to export large cells with more than 200 characters to separate small HTML files and generate hyperlinks to those small files in the affected cells. This makes the spreadsheet more readable when there are some cells that have a large number of characters. The switches are in file ''.
E.g., GSP-Inventory.xls 'ExperimentGroup' samples data saved from Excel worksheets. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.GSPI-ExpGrp/params-GSPI-ExpGrp-exportBigCells 
where: data.GSPI-ExpGrp/ 
#"Revised: 3-30-2009"
-addTableName:"GSP Experiment Groups Details"
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 6.

Example using a 2 sub-table spreadsheet with the first and second tables being separated by a blank line. This example also allows 2-line headers, dropping some of the columns, and mapping some of the column cell data to URLs and lists of ';;' separated items in cells to be mapped to non-active <OPTION> lists. It creates a preface HTML file from the first part of the input file and links to in the second Table file. The '-mapHdrNames' switch is used to map the long data names to shorter distinct names specified in a mapping table. After dropping columns, using the '-reorderColumn' switch it reorders columns (ignoring ones that don't exist). It sortsthe rows by a particular column '-sortRowsByColumn' where it uses the p-Value column if it exists, else it sorts by the Difference data if it exists, etc.
E.g., mAdb Microarray Retrieval Reports (MRR) from the Excel download. where MRR is a 'mAdb Microarray Retrieval Report' report. The switches are in file ''. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.MRR/
where: data.MRR/  
#"Revised: 5-28-2009"
-addTableName:"mAdb Microarray Retrieval Report"
#"Limit the number of rows to the highest 500 fold-change values"
-limitMaxTableRows:"500,A-B Mean Difference,Descending"
#"Map header names. Select  from field='Affy .CEL file (16)'"
#"  to field= 'GSP ID (9)' or 'Simple GSP ID (10)'" 
-mapHdrNames:"data.Table/,Affy .CEL file (16),GSP ID (9)"
#"Drop some of the columns"
-dropColumnColumn:"mgB36 Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB36 Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"Entrez GeneID"
-dropColumn:"Locus Tag"
-dropColumn:"BioCarta  Pathways"
-dropColumn:"KEGG Pathways"
#-dropColumn:"Gene Ontology Terms" (remove # if want to drop)
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Process"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Process"
#"The following was added 5/28/09"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Cytoband"
#"Reorder columns to left side of Table"
-reorderColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",2
-reorderColumn:"A Mean",4
-reorderColumn:"B Mean",5
-reorderColumn:"A-B p-Value",6
-reorderColumn:"Well ID",8
-reorderColumn:"Feature ID",9
#"Sort rows by column - use whichever comes first"
-sortRowsByColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",Descending
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID",
-hrefData:"Entrez GeneID",
-hrefData:"Feature ID",
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 7.

Similar to
Example 6, but remaps the array names to the shorter ID names in the example.
E.g., mAdb Microarray Reports (MRR) from the Excel download. reordered. The switches are in file ''. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.MRR/
where: data.MRR/  
#"Revised: 5-28-2009"
-addTableName:"mAdb Microarray Retrieval Report"
#"Limit the number of rows to the highest 500 fold-change values"
-limitMaxTableRows:"500,A-B Mean Difference,Descending"
#"Map header names. Select  from field='Affy .CEL file (16)'"
#"  to field= 'GSP ID (9)' or 'Simple GSP ID (10)'"
-mapHdrNames:"data.Table/,Affy .CEL file (16),Simple GSP ID (10)"
#"Drop some of the columns"
-dropColumnColumn:"mgB36 Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB36 Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"Entrez GeneID"
-dropColumn:"Locus Tag"
-dropColumn:"BioCarta  Pathways"
-dropColumn:"KEGG Pathways"
#-dropColumn:"Gene Ontology Terms" (remove # if want to drop)
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Process"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Process"
#"The following was added 5/28/09"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Cytoband"
#"Reorder columns to left side of Table"
-reorderColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",2
-reorderColumn:"A Mean",4
-reorderColumn:"B Mean",5
-reorderColumn:"A-B p-Value",6
-reorderColumn:"Well ID",8
-reorderColumn:"Feature ID",9
#"Sort rows by column - use whichever comes first"
-sortRowsByColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",Descending
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID",
-hrefData:"Entrez GeneID",
-hrefData:"Feature ID",
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 8.

An alternative way to specify columns is using a list of '-keepColumn' switches. This is the same as
Example 7, however the columns are specified with the -keepColumn switches. This is useful if you have data that you don't want to use and don't know the names or many of the columns that you don't want.
E.g., mAdb Microarray Reports (MRR) from the Excel download. reordered. The switches are in file ''. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.MRR/
where: data.MRR/
#"Revised: 4-9-2009"
-addTableName:"mAdb Microarray Retrieval Report"
#"Specify columns to keep, the rest are dropped"
-keepColumn:"A-B p-Value"  
-keepColumn:"A-B Mean Difference" 
-keepColumn:"A Mean"  
-keepColumn:"B Mean"
-keepColumn:"Well ID" 
-keepColumn:"Feature ID" 
-keepColumn:"Gene Ontology Terms"
#"Reorder columns to left side of Table"
-reorderColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",2
-reorderColumn:"A Mean",4
-reorderColumn:"B Mean",5
-reorderColumn:"A-B p-Value",6
-reorderColumn:"Well ID",8
-reorderColumn:"Feature ID",9
#"Sort rows by column - use whichever comes first"
-sortRowsByColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",Descending
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID",
-hrefData:"Entrez GeneID",
-hrefData:"Feature ID",
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 9.

Convert all mAdb generated Java TreeView .zip files or (unpacked) directories in the JVT input directory. It is invoked by the switch '-jtvNamesMap:{mAdbArraySummaryFile,mapHdrFile,fromHdrName,toHdrName}'. The JVT input (output) directories are specified with -jtvInputDir (-jtvOutputDir) switches. The JVT input directory contains saved mAdb JTV files that are are unzipped. The zip files could be saved with 'save names' indicating the data analysis conditions. The processing converts a list of files from the each of the sub directories in the -jtvInputDir directory. The conversion maps the .cdt file in each sub directory to use the {toHdrName} column data of the equivalent {mapHdrFile} map Table instead of the "EID:'mAdb ID'" as generated by mAdb. The mapping between "mAdb ID" and short array names is done using the jtv_mAdbArraySummaryFile Table map. It then writes out the JTV subset to a created sub directory in jtvOutputDir that has the same base name as the input JTV sub directory being processed. This is run using the switches '-jtvMapping', '-jtvInputDir' and -jtvOutputDir'. After converting the JTV files, generate corresponding Web pages to invoke the JTV applets using the jtvHTMLgenerate, -jtvDescription, -jtvButton, -addProlog, -addEpilogue. When doing -jtvHTMLgenerate, the jtvCopyJTVjars copies the Java TreeView .jar files and plugins to the jtvOutputDir directory. It also rezips the output directory since the 'jtvReZipConvertedFiles' switch was specified. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
E.g., convert a set of Java TreeView zip files downloaded from mAdb. The switches are in file ''.
      HTMLtools JTVinput/
#"Revised: 3-30-2009"
#"(1) Convert array names in JTV data sets to mapped array names."
-jtvNamesMap:"data.Table/,data.Table/,Affy .CEL file (16),GSP ID (9)"

#"(2) Generate HTML web pages to invoke the converted JTV data."
-jtvDescription:"Sample description paragraph on mouse muscle GH/Stat-null Controlled (+) genes [i.e. experiment $$INFILENAME$$]."
-jtvButtonName:"Mouse Muscle: $$INFILENAME$$"
# [3] Rezip the converted files
#"------------ End -----------"

Example 10.

Batch process a list of HTMLtools params .map files specified in the batch input file (batchList.doit in this example). The batch processing is started as shown below with the '-batchProcess' switch. The previous examples show some of params .map files that could be used in the list. Note: you may not nest '-batchProcess' commands (it is not recursive). The list may only contain comments ('#' prefixed lines) or params .map file names. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
E.g., Execute the list of parameter .map files listed in the batch file called batchList.doit.
       HTMLtools -batchProcess:batchList.doit
where: batchList.doit
#"Revised: 6-23-2009"
#"Preprocess the data for the NIDDK/mAdb GSP Jak-Stat Prosector Database"
#"(1) Doing  GSP-InventoryExperiment Groups conversions and generating HTML pages"
#"(2) Doing mAdb Retrieval Report conversions and generating HTML pages"
#"(3) Doing JTV array name conversions and generating HTML pages"
#"(4) Convert Mapping .txt files to HTML"
#"(4.1) Convert Mapping .txt files to .map files"
#"(5) Doing mAdb Retrieval Report Gene List mappings and generating HTML pages"
#"(6) Doing mAdb and HTML conversion tests TODO generating HTML pages"
#"(7) Convert MRR all arrays to edited DB file."
#"    This is normally not done each time."
#"(7.1) Convert MRR Literature data for all arrays."
#"    This is normally not done each time."
#"(8) Generate a Tests-Intersection .txt table and also the HTML for it."
#" from the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt data."
#"(9) Flip several types of samples - not currently used in html/GSP"
#"(9) Flip several types of samples"
#"(9.1) Create Data file for Flip Tables."
#" Create edited Tables with Index-Maps."
#"  This is normally not done each time."
#"(9.2) Flip Tables with and without filtering saving"
#" the flipped .txt file and .html file."
#"(10) Run the GenBatchScripts to create the batch scripts data"
#"    This is normally not done each time."
#"------------ End -------------"

Example 11.

Edit a very large .txt file (EG1+EG3.1+EG3.2-MSE430_2-18Arrays-RMA-Grouped.txt) into another .txt file (EGALLDataSet.txt) using the fast edit command. Note the -sortRowsByColumn is not available when doing a fast-edit of a large file.
E.g., Edit (-dropColumns, -reorderColumns, -mapHdrNames, -reorderRemainingColumnsAlphabeticly). The switches are in file ''. Note: you must double quote arguments that use spaces.
      HTMLtools data.MRR-all/ 
where: data.MRR-all/  
#"Revised 6-20-2009"
#"Convert MRR all arrays file to edited DB 'EGALLDataSet.txt' file."
#"Save the edited table as a .txt file"
#"Do a fast edit of the .txt file and don't generate HTML file"
#"Map header names. Select  from field='Affy .CEL file (16)'"
#"  to field= 'GSP ID (9)' or 'Simple GSP ID (10)'" 
-mapHdrNames:"data.Table/,Affy .CEL file (16),GSP ID (9)"
#"Drop more columns for simplest file"
#"Drop some of the columns"
-dropColumnColumn:"mgB36 Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB36 Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"Entrez GeneID"
-dropColumn:"Locus Tag"
-dropColumn:"BioCarta  Pathways"
-dropColumn:"KEGG Pathways"
-dropColumn:"Gene Ontology Terms" (remove # if want to drop)
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Process"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Process"
#"The following was added 5/28/09"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Cytoband"
#"Sort the remaining columns alphabetically"
#"Reorder columns to left side of Table"
-reorderColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",2
-reorderColumn:"A Mean",4
-reorderColumn:"B Mean",5
-reorderColumn:"A-B p-Value",6
-reorderColumn:"Well ID",8
-reorderColumn:"Feature ID",9
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 12.

Do URL mapping of a multiple row header data in a transposed table. The Table was transposed in a separate operation using Excel. ([TODO] we may add a transpose function to the converter in the future).
E.g., Make hyperlinks in header rows rather than the table data. The switches are in file ''.
      HTMLtools data.MRR-GL-examples/ 
where: data.MRR-GL-examples/  
#"Revised: 3-30-2009"
-addTableName:"GSP Genes mentioned in Hennighausen & Robinson Review (2008)"
#"Map all 3 header lines in the Table"
#"This does multiple header-row data mapping."
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID",
-hrefData:"Feature ID",
#"------------ End -----------"

Example 13.

Generates a Tests-Intersection .txt and .html table from the tests data also used in Example 15. This table of the tests intersections showing test-results of gene fold-change data. It is computed for all samples and all tests in the
mAdb-TestsToDo.txt list that was saved from the mAdb-TestsToDo.xls file. Only genes that have passed any of the tests are included, even if the gene had only passed one test. The results are sorted by gene name. These results are available as an Excel file TestsIntersection-ALL.txt and also as a HTML Web page. See the Tests-Intersection commands.
E.g., Create a a Tests-Intersection .txt and .html table. The switches are in file ''.
      HTMLtools data.TestsIntersection/ 
where: data.TestsIntersection/  
#"Revised 5-06-2009"
#"[1] Master script to create a Tests Intersection Table file for all tests"
#"in the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt file that we have data."
#"Limit the number of rows to the highest 500 fold-change values"
-limitMaxTableRows:"500,Range FC,Descending"
#"The tablesDir subdir. where mapping and other reference Tables are copied"
#"to the batchScripts directory."
#"Add FC range computations and expand the TI table with"
#"fields ('Max FC', 'Min FC', 'Range FC')."
#"Add the ('Range A Mean', 'Range B Mean', 'FC counts %') computations to"
#"an expanded TestsIntersectionTable table."
#"Save the edited table as a .txt file"
#"The mAdb-TestsToDo.txt Tables are in"
#"the '-tablesDir:data.Table' subdirectory."
#"[2] Now after the Tests-Intersection .txt table is saved, generate the HTML file."
#"Note: Converter removes -hasEmptyLineBeforeTable and sets -hdrLines:5 switches."
-addTableName:"Intersection of All GSP Fold-Change Tests for Genes in any test"
-mapDollarsigns:$$TITLE$$,"All GSP Tests for Genes in any test"
-sortRowsByColumn:"Range FC",Descending
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID,"
-hrefData:"Feature ID,"
#"------------- End ---------------"

Example 14.

Create a flipped tables with hyperlinked multi-line headers with data filtered by rows and column name filters. This process is broken into two scripts:
Example 14.1 to create an edited table file and then an Index-Map table file from the edited table file. Then, Example 14.2 to generate a flipped table saved as .txt and .html files using the edited table and it's Index-Map file.

Example 14.1

Create an edited table file and then an Index-Map table file from the edited table file. See Example 14.2 for the second part to use these files to created a flipped table.
E.g., Create batch scripts for subsequent file conversion processing. The switches are in file ''.
      CvtTabDelim2HTML data.flip/ 
where: data.flip/  
#"This saves the edited Table and then makes an Index-Map file"
#"of the saved edited table."
#"Revised 6-23-2009"
#"Save the edited table as a .txt file"
#"Make an EGALLDataSet.idx index file of the .txt file"
-makeIndexMapFile:"Gene,Well ID,Feature ID"
#"Do a fast edit of the .txt file"
#"Map header names. Select  from field='Affy .CEL file (16)'"
#"  to field= 'GSP ID (9)' or 'Simple GSP ID (10)'" 
-mapHdrNames:"data.Table/,Affy .CEL file (16),GSP ID (9)"
#"Drop more columns for simplest file"
#"Drop some of the columns"
-dropColumnColumn:"mgB36 Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB36 Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"Entrez GeneID"
-dropColumn:"Locus Tag"
-dropColumn:"BioCarta  Pathways"
-dropColumn:"KEGG Pathways"
-dropColumn:"Gene Ontology Terms" (remove # if want to drop)
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Process"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Process"
#"The following was added 5/28/09"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Cytoband"
#"Sort the rest of the columns alphabetically"
#"Reorder columns to left side of Table"
-reorderColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",2
-reorderColumn:"A Mean",4
-reorderColumn:"B Mean",5
-reorderColumn:"A-B p-Value",6
-reorderColumn:"Well ID",8
-reorderColumn:"Feature ID",9
#"----------- End ----------- "

Example 14.2

Create a flipped table tab-delimited .txt file and .html file from the edited table file and index-map table files created in
Example 14.1.
E.g., Create batch scripts for subsequent file conversion processing. The switches are in file ''.
      CvtTabDelim2HTML data.flip/ 
where: data.flip/
#"Revised 7-18-2009"
-addTableName:"Flipped 18 GSP Mouse MOE403_2 arrays Filtered by Feature_ID List"
-flipColumnName:"*LIST*,Well ID,"
-flipColumnName:"*LIST*,Feature ID,1418507_s_at,1449109_at, 1438470_at,1441476_at"
-flipOrder:"Gene,Well ID,Feature ID"
#"This does multiple header-row data mapping."
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID",
-hrefData:"Feature ID",
#"--------- End ---------"

Example 15.

Create a set of batch jobs to convert data described in a table file generating summary Web pages, a set of params .map files in a tree structure in directory
batchScripts/. (See Section 1.1 Generating Batch Scripts for more details on GenBatchScripts processing.) The data for this script is in data.GBS. It uses a list of data.GBS/mAdb-TestsToDo.txt tests that are used to generate a sets of HTML files in the Analyses and JTV directories. The file as created by saving that was saved from the manually edited mAdb-TestsToDo.xls as a tab-delimited file. It also uses a set of params .map templates prefixed with paramsTemplate, a set of summary templates prefixed with summaryTemplate, and a prolog and epilogue templates for the MRR and JTV HTML web pages that will be generated. The 'inputTree' of tab-delimited and .zip file data for these batch analyses are in the data.GBS/CellTissue/ directory. The GenBatchScripts processing will generate the batchScripts/ tree (described in the following script. After GenBatchScripts processing is finished, the user would run the Windows BAT file batchScripts/buildWebPages.bat on the batchScripts/buildWebPages.doit batch list, both just created. The params .map files referenced in the .doit file are in batchScripts/ParamScripts. When run, it saves the generated HTML Web pages and converted JTV files in batchScripts/Summary, batchScripts/Analyses, and batchScripts/JTV. See the GenBatchScripts commands.
E.g., Create batch scripts for subsequent file conversion processing. The switches are in file ''.
      HTMLtools data.GBS/ 
where: data.GBS/  
#"Revised 4-26-2009"
#"Master script to generate params .map files and buildWebPages.doit"
#"file for all tests in the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt file. It generates an"
#"environment in batchScripts/ to enable running all of the scripts as"
#"a Window's batch job buildWebPages.bat on the buildWebPages.doit batch"
#"input list Windows batch startup file."
#"The templates (.html, .param) and .map files are in the same directory"
#"as this master batch generation script."
#"Map: mAdb-TestsToDo.txt - test Table to drive the batch scripts generation."
#"Map: - maps 'Introduction' field for 'Tissues'."
#"Map: - maps 'Details' field for 'Expression Groups'."
#"Map: - maps 'Affy .CEL file' name to 'Simple GSP ID' or 'GSP ID'."
#"Arg: batchScripts - where all files and the following subdirectories are saved"
#"Arg: ParamScripts - subdir. where generated params*.map files are copied"
#"Arg: inputTree - subdir. where mAdb generated .txt MRR and JTV data are copied"
#"Arg: Summary - subdir. where generated text HTML top level Web pages are saved"
#"Arg: Analyses - subdir. where generated text HTML & edited .txt files are saved"
#"Arg: JTV - subdir. where generated JTVtext HTML & edited JTV files are saved"
#"Arg: JTVjars - subdir. where the JTV runtime jar files are copied"
#"The tablesDir subdir. where mapping and other reference Tables are copied"
#"to the batchScripts directory."
#"The following maps and Tables are in the '-tablesDir:data.Table' subdirectory."
#"Create Tests-Intersection (TI) HTML links in summary file & params .map files."
#"List of CellType/Tissue summary templates for generating the Summary pages"
#"List of params .map templates for generating batch params .map files."
#"List of support files to be copied to support -batchProcess of the .doit file."
#"List of JTV support files to be copied to support -batchProcess of the .doit file."
#"Copy tree data to top level batch scripts subdirectory"

#"Copy Mapping files tree data to top level batch scripts subdirectory"
#"Copy input data tree data to batch scripts subdirectory"
#"------------- End ---------------"

Example 16 - generates a .txt database file and an Index Map .idx file.

The two operations consiste of two parameter .map files:
Example 16.1 data.MRR-all/ for the .txt database file, Example 16.2 for the .idx Index Map file, and Example 16.3 for the .sidx global Statistics Index Map file. The latter computes an extended Index Map file with (min,max,mean,stddev) for each row of the numeric data and global (min,max,mean,stddev) values used in 2 additional header rows. The .sidx file is used in generating heatmap tables in flipped table database search example in Example 17.

Example 16.1 - generates a .txt database file

This creates an edited database file that can be used in other operations such as the database search example in
Example 17 where the output .txt file could be copied to the directory.
      CvtTabDelim2HTML data.MRR-all/ 
where: data.MRR-all/  
#"Revised 8-18-2009"
#"Convert MRR all arrays file to edited DB 'EGALLDataSet.txt' file."
#"Save the edited table as a .txt file"
#"Do a fast edit of the .txt file and don't generate HTML file"
#"Map header names. Select  from field='Affy .CEL file (16)'"
#"  to field= 'GSP ID (9)' or 'Simple GSP ID (10)'" 
-mapHdrNames:"data.Table/,Affy .CEL file (16),GSP ID (9)"
#"Drop more columns for simplest file"
#"Drop some of the columns"
-dropColumnColumn:"mgB36 Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB36 Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"Entrez GeneID"
-dropColumn:"Locus Tag"
-dropColumn:"BioCarta  Pathways"
-dropColumn:"KEGG Pathways"
-dropColumn:"Gene Ontology Terms" (remove # if want to drop)
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Component"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Function"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier2 Process"
-dropColumn:"GO Tier3 Process"
#"The following was added 5/28/09"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_Probe Cytoband"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Chr:Start-Stop"
-dropColumn:"mgB37_RefSeq Cytoband"
#"Sort the remaining columns alphabetically"
#"Reorder columns to left side of Table"
-reorderColumn:"A-B Mean Difference",2
-reorderColumn:"A Mean",4
-reorderColumn:"B Mean",5
-reorderColumn:"A-B p-Value",6
-reorderColumn:"Well ID",8
-reorderColumn:"Feature ID",9
#"----------- End --------- "

Example 16.2 - generates an .idx Index Map file of the database file

This creates an Index Map .idx file from the database file. These files are used in other operations such as the database searchGUI using the script example in Example 17 where the output .idx file could be copied to the directory.
      CvtTabDelim2HTML data.MRR-all/ 
where: data.MRR-all/  
#"Revised: 8-19-2009"
#"Do a fast edit of the .txt file"
#"Make an .idx index file of the .txt file"
-makeIndexMapFile:"Gene,Well ID,Feature ID"
#"----------- end --------- "

Example 16.3 - generates a .sidx global StatisticsIndex Map file of the database file

This creates a global Statistics Index Map .sidx file from the database file. This file is used in other operations such as the database searchGUI using the script example in Example 17 where the output .sidx file could be copied to the directory and is used if a heatmap table is generated for the flipped table.
      CvtTabDelim2HTML data.MRR-all/ 
where: data.MRR-all/  
#"Revised: 8-11-2009"
#"Specify the edited data set file to use. It is assumed that"
#"the IndexMap file was created and has a .idx file extension."
#"Specify columns to drop when analyzing the Statistics, the rest are dropped."
-dropColumn:"Well ID" 
-dropColumn:"Feature ID" 
#"Make an .sidx index file of the .txt and .idx files"
#"----------- end --------- "

Example 17 - the file used with the "-searchGui" option

The the file contains additional information used by the search database GUI ("-searchGui" option). See Search GUI for more details.
      CvtTabDelim2HTML -searchGui 
where: this looks for the file  
#"Search information read by the search GUI for prompts and menus"
-searchTermNames:"Gene,Well ID,Feature ID"
-searchRowFilterName:"Sample Experiment Groups"
-searchTermsDemoData:"Stat5a Stat5b 1438470_at 1441476_at 1446085_at"
-searchUserTermList:"LitRefGeneList.txt,Feature ID,Literature Review"
-searchTermsFilterPrompt:"'Gene', 'Well ID', and/or 'Probe' names. E.g., Stat5a, Stat5b, 1438470_at 1441476_at 1446085_at, etc."
-searchRowFilterPrompt:"'Sample Experiment Groups'. E.g., select one or more Experiment Groups"
-addTableName:"Search database filtered by Gene and/or Probe IDs and Experiment Groups"
#"Database (.txt) and index map of database (.idx) to search" 
#"Maps to:"
# '-flipOrder:"Gene,Well ID,Feature ID"'
# '-flipColumnName:"*LIST*,Gene,g1,g2,"'
# '-flipColumnName:"*LIST*,Well ID,w1,w2,...,wk"'
# '-flipColumnName:"*LIST*,Feature ID,f1,f2,...,fm"'
# '-flipRowNames:"*LIST*,s1,s2,...,sp"'
# '-dataPrecisionHTMLtable:-1'
# '-showDataHeatmapFlipTable'
# '-flipUseExactColumnNameMatch:TRUE'
#"This does multiple header-row data mapping."
#"These map mAdb Feature Report data to Bioinformatics databases"
-hrefData:"Well ID",
-hrefData:"Feature ID",
#"--------- End ---------" 


*** TO BE EDITED ***

The demonstration data sets for the Group STAT Project (GSP) are in data directories (not included in open source release). These include:
  1. data.GSPI-EG/ contains the EG001.txt through EGxxx.txt (or more as new experiment groups are added) files (saved as tab-delimited .txt from the Excel GSP-Inventory.xls spreadsheets). It also includes the EGMAP.txt concatenated file (generated by HTMLtools using the -concatTables command), and prolog.html and epilogue.html template files configured for EG data. There are three script files for mapping the data: for mapping all of the EGxxx.txt files; for generating the EGMAP.txt file (in the data.Table// directory). The generates the EGMAP.html file. The data.Maps/ generates the data.Table/ file used for mapping sample names to a short consistent names in may of the other scripts. The data.Maps/ also contains a script to create the file (from the ExperimentGroups.txt) for extracting experiment specific information for the corresponding EGxxx row to include in the epilogue for the EGxxx.html files. Similarly for the file (used with the JTV conversions and was export as a mAdb Array Summary). The generated HTML files are saved in the html/GSP/GSP-Inventory/ directory.

  2. data.GSPI-ExpGrp/ contains the ExperimentGroups.txt file (saved as tab-delimited .txt from Excel spreadsheet), and prolog.html and epilogue.html files configured for ExperimentGroups data. The script file specifies how to convert the .txt file). The generated HTML files are saved in the html/GSP/GSP-Inventory/ directory.

  3. data.MRR/ contains the some examples of mAdb Retrieval Reports (MRR) with .txt file extensions for generating various types of HTML web pages. It uses a several mapping files generated in data.Maps/ in doing the MRR HTML Web page generation. The prolog.html and epilogue.html files are configured for MRR type data. There are several params-MRR*.map script files. As the MRR input data files each contains two tables, the -makePrefaceHTML will generate additional "preface-" HTML files linked from the generated HTML files. The generated HTML files are saved in the html/data.MRR directory. Note that this is a demonstration directory, not used for the GSP Web site, to illustrate the various HTML conversion options. The actual data for the GSP database is generated in the GenBatchScripts Example 13.

  4. Another demonstration data set is in JTVinput/ that contains some sample Java TreeView data sets, a prolog.html and epilogue.html configured for JTV data (see Example 9). It uses the data.Table/ and data.Table/ map files for mapping the mAdb unzipped JTV mAdb ID array names to GSP ID names. The specifies how to map the data. The JTVjars/ contains the set of Java Tree View .jar files required to run the generated HTML files. The '-jtvCopyJTVjars' switch (in the script) will copy the required .jar files to the output directory. The converted JTV files, generated HTML files (along with the copied JTV .jar files) are saved in the html/JTVoutput/ directory. Note that this is a demonstration directory, not used for the GSP Web site, to illustrate the various conversion options. The actual data for the GSP database is generated in the GenBatchScripts Example 13.

  5. data.Table/ contains the tab-delimited .txt files for the mapping tables as well as the .map files by running the scripts in the data.Maps/ directory.

  6. data.TestsIntersection/ contains the scripts for creating a Tests-Intersection .txt and .html file shown in the html/GSP/TestsIntersection/ directory (see Example 13) .

  7. data.all/ contains data and scripts for using the -fastEditFile option to handle very large input files. The edited .txt files are saved in data.all/.

  8. data.flip/ contains data and scripts for using the -fastEditFile option to handle very large input files. The edited .txt files are saved in data.flip/ and the .html file shown in the html/data.flip/ directory (see Example 14).

  9. contains data and scripts for using the -searchGui option to to use with the Search Database GUI. The database files and results files are saved in directory (see 2.1.2 Search Database GUI).

  10. data.GBS/ contains the script (see Example 15) and support data for generating batch scripts (for subsequent processing). The set of tests to generate the params .map files is described in data.Table/mAdb-TestsToDo.txt that in turn was saved as a tab-delimited file from the Excel spreadsheet mAdb-TestsToDo.xls. It uses mapping files,, in data.Maps/ as well as various templates in data.GBS/ for params .map, summary HTML templates, and prolog and epilogue HTML templates used when execcuting the batch scripts. The generated batch scripts and support data is saved in a created directory batchScripts/. The generated parameter .map scripts are saved in the batchScripts/ParamScripts/ directory. The generated Tissue summary HTML Web pages are saved in the batchScripts/Summary/ directory. The input data required when running the generated batch scripts are copied to the batchScripts/inputTree directory. The generated test data HTML web pages generated when the generated batch scripts are run will be saved in the batchScripts/Analyses/ directory. The generated JTV test data HTML web pages and edited JTV data when the generated batch scripts are run will be saved in the batchScripts/JTV/ directory. Additional files generated are the batchScripts/buildWebPages.doit params .map scripts to execute and the Windows .BAT file batchScripts/buildWebPages.bat to start the batch processing.


This Java application converts a set of tab-delimited data files to various HTML TABLE formats with many mapping options available. We use the term Table with an uppercase 'T' to indicate the FileTable data structure used throughout the program. The command line arguments are parsed by the Switches class. The main() method in the HTMLtools class class invokes the switch parser and then determines if batch processing is to be used (if the '-batchProcess' switch is invoked). If the first command does not have a '-' prefix, it is assumed to be a parameter file (denoted above). This is then read and the switches in that file are then parsed. It is assumed that there may be more than one .txt file in the input directory ('-inputDir' switch). So a list of these files is then processed applying the various other command line switches that were specified. To run it only on a subset of the files in the inputDirectory, use the '-files:{f1,f2,...,fn}' command specification. In addition, it may be used iteratively if the initial command line argument is the '-batchProcess:{a batch file}' in which case it is assumed that the batch input file (e.g.,
batchList.doit contains a list of param .map files to be batch processed. The program generates a HTMLtools.log file of the processing every time it is run (and overrides it each time it is run).

The GenBatchScript process is described in Section 1.1 (see Example 13. Although the -genBatchScripts set of commands is integrated into HTMLtools, it is different from other command switches in that it can not be integrated itself into a -batchProcess script. It should be run by itself as
java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar HTMLtools \
This in turn generates the batchScripts/ directory described in Section 5 above with a generated batchScripts/buildWebPages.doit params .map scripts to execute and the Windows .BAT file batchScripts/buildWebPages.bat to start the batch processing.

The JTV, GenBatchScripts,and JTV commands are currently loosely integrated into HTMLtools so they could be run with the params .map scripts. However, the code is kept fairly distinct so it can be spearated at some point into a separate JTVconverter application when the program is made open source as the JTV conversion is specific to NIH.

The program is documented in this Reference Manual file that includes an introduction, list of switch commands, a number of examples and additional documentation. The Java source code files are in the src/ directory.

The program was built using Eclipse (Version 3.4) ( The distibution includes the ANT ( build.xml script that could be used either standalone or with some Integrated Development Environment such as Eclipse (which includes ANT). There is a separate javadocs .BAT file javadocs-HTMLtools.bat that can be used for generated the java class documentation in the javadocs/ directory. The .BAT files are renamed in the initial .zip file distribution and need to be unpacked before use (see Section 2.1 for details).

List of Java Class modules

Source code modules for HTMLtools application.

6.1 Converter GUI design

The ConverterGUI.jar file is just a copy of the HTMLtools.jar file renamed to HTMLtools.jar. When it runs, it checks to see what it was called and then does the same thing as it as HTMLtools -gui. When started, it pops up a graphical user interface (see
2.1.1 Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to run the converter. The user selected, using the File menu, either a parameter .map script file or a batch .doit file (which contains a list of .map script files). When they press the Process button, it creates a new thread and has it execute the selected .map or .doit file. When processing, it accumulates a list of HTML files that were generated. When done, it puts this list into a View HTML chooser GUI. If the user selects one, it will then pop up a Web browser showing this file.

6.2 Search GUI design

The SearchGui.jar file is just a copy of the HTMLtools.jar file renamed to SearchGui.jar. When it runs, it checks to see what it was called and then does the same thing as it as HTMLtools -searchGui. When started, it pops up a graphical user interface (see
2.1.2 Search User Database with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Generating Reports. It also needs to load the Index Map (.idx) file which it does in the background by creating a new thread which lets the user continue selecting data in the interface. Processing is delayed until the map is loaded since it is used to verify the data entered by the user.

The user enters search information into the SearchGui interface to specify 1. a list of genes and/or Well IDs and/or Feature IDs (gene probe IDs); and then, 2. select one or more experiment groups. When they press the Process button, it creates a custom script from a default script that is domain dependent. Then it creates a new thread ( and recursively calls CvtTabDelim2HTML to execute the just generated script file. The script includes the flip table options to actually generate the flipped table on the specified subset of data. When the thread is done processing, it has generated and files. It then lets the user press the View HTML button to pop up a web brower to see the EGALLDataSet-search.html file. In the example, it has flip options specified from a merging of the user-specified data along with other data (see the file for the rest of the default options)

   . . .
#"Database (.txt) and index map of database (.idx) to search"
-flipOrderHdrColNames:"Gene,Well ID,Feature ID"
-flipColumnName:"*LIST*,Feature ID,1438470_at,1441476_at,1446085_at"
#"Set the data precision for generated HTML."
#"Set the flip-table sort by column name."
#"Generate heat-map data cells in a HTML conversion if .sidx exists."
    . . .

Flip table computation

The flip table option uses three precomputed database files (created with CvtTabDelim2HTML):{.txt,.idx,.sidx} that allow us to random access any row by probe ID. (A gene may have 1 to half a dozen probe IDs). Since the number of genes that would be used in a search is relatively small (under 100 - typically a lot less on the order of 10 to 20), gathering the data is relatively fast. The script file specifies -flipTableByIndexMap:"EGALLDataSet.txt,EGALLDataSet.idx".

If the heatmap option is used, then it uses the EGALLDataSet.sidx file instead (i.e., Statistics Index Map file). This contains the same row seek data as the .idx file, but also statistics (min, max, mean, stddev) for each row and for the entire database. This is then used to map each table data cell value to a cell background color to implement the heat map.

In addition to the heatmap option (default), it also lets you adjust the precision of the data (which normally has 3 or 4 digits) to 0 or more digits, and to sort the rows by the data in a particular gene/probe ID column.

So the processing is broken into two parts: the GUI part (SearchGui) to gather the arg list to generate the file, and the flip table generate part to build the search results heatmap HTML table.

7. BATCH PROCESSING TESTS DATA: batchScripts/ directory

7.1 Overview: 7.2 batchScripts directory | 7.3 Mapping files | 7.4 Summary templates | 7.5 ParamScripts |
7.6 Prolog/epilogue templates | 7.7 Support directories | 7.8 Running GenBatchScripts | 7.8.1 Test name usage |
7.9 Running buildWebPages | 7.10 Using GSP-Inventory data | 7.10.1 Converter distribution |
7.11 Running batchList.doit

This section documents the batchScripts/ directory for creating Web pages and briefly describes the 1) contents of the batchScripts/ directory, 2) how it is created using the GenBatchScripts (GBS) facility of this converter program using the list of mAdb tests and data from those tests, and 3) finally how it is used to create Web pages suitable for copying to the Jak-Stat Prospector (J-S P) Web server on This example could serve as a model for developing static Web server pages for other types of analysis system generated data to be used on a static Web server.

Before attempting to run the GenBatchScripts process to create the batchScripts/ directory, we recommend you familiarize your self with the commands in this Reference Manual. The batchScripts/ directory contains a Windows .bat file to run the HTMLtools program, buildWebPages.bat, and a list of conversion batch jobs in buildWebPages.doit. The buildWebPages.doit file contains a list of generated conversions to be performed in converter-batch (as opposed to Windows-batch). Each conversion is in the form of a generated parameter .map file saved in the batchScripts/ParamsScripts/ directory. (In the rest of this discussion for brevity, we will omit the batchScripts/ prefix in mentioning these directories where it is unambiguous.)

There are additional support files that are required for updating the J-S P Web server tree. These are described at the end of this document in the discussion on converting data from GSP-Inventory for the J-S P.

7.1 Overview of Conversion Process

  1. Tests specified by mAdb-TestsToDo.txt (from the Excel file) are run on mAdb and data is exported to a conversion computer/file system in directory data.GBS/inputTree/. A mAdbArraySummary.txt is also exported and converted to a file.

  2. The GSP-Inventory.xls worksheets are saved as ExperimentGroups.txt, CellTypeTissue.txt, and EG001.txt through EGxxxx.txt. These are copied and renamed by the converter to,, and (concatenation of EG001.txt through EGxxx.txt). All .map files are saved in data.Table/ directory.

  3. The above data is then used to generate batch scripts using the GBS/ (shown below). This generates the batchScripts/ directory (described below).

  4. The buildWebPages.bat Windows batch job is run in batchScripts/ to convert the mAdb inputTree/ data into batchScripts/ directories Summary/, Analysis/, and JTV/.

  5. At this point the directories Summary/, Analysis/, and JTV/ are copied to the GSP/ subdirectories with the same names in the Jak-Stat Prospector Web tree.

  6. The Jak-Stat Prospector Web tree is uploaded from the data conversion computer/file system to the NIDDK staging file system and then copied to the live Web server.

7.2 Contents of the batchScripts/ directory

batchScripts/ directory contains files and subdirectories required to convert the mAdb tab-delimited text data into HTML and JTV data that can then be copied to the J-S P Web site. The list of generated batchScripts/ subdirectories is:
  ParamScripts/      - GBS generated conversion params*.map files
  InputTree/         - mAdb generated .txt MRR and JTV data are copied by GBS
  Summary/           - GBS generated text HTML top level Web pages
  Analyses/          - GBS generated text HTML & edited .txt files
  JTV/               - GBS generated JTVtext HTML & edited JTV files 
  JTVjars/           - the JTV runtime jar files are copied by GBS
  data.Table/        - the common mapping files are copied by GBS
  buildWebPages.doit - GBS generated -batch script to convert MRR and JTV data
  buildWebPages.bat  - GBS generated Windows BAT file run converter on .doit file

7.3 Mapping files used in the conversions

Several mapping files are required for both the initial GenBatchScripts and the subsequent buildWebPages conversions.     - Experiment Group info by EGxxxx       - Tissue 'Introduction' by EGxxxx for summaries                - map 'Affy .CEL file' names to 'GSP ID's     - the 'mAdb ID' by 'Affy .CEL file'
The file is the tab-delimited sheet of that name in the GSP-Inventory.xls spreadsheet. The tab-delimited file is the concatenation of the individual EGxxxx.txt data files from the GSP-Inventory.xls spreadsheet (see Notes sheet in the GSP-Inventory), and assembled into the map by the data.GSP-EG/ and data.Maps/ scripts. The file is the saved 'mAdb Array Summary' for all of the samples data. All generated .map files are saved in the to the
data.Table/ directory where they are used.

7.4 HTML templates used when generating Summary/ HTML

These templates are used as the basis for the tissue summary Web pages generated in the
batchScripts/Summary/ directory. They contain various special '$$' keywords that the converter uses to map sample-specific data when generating the Web pages.

Mapping $$keywords$$ used with the HTML SummaryTemplate files

The following fields are created by the GenBatchScripts process in the converter when analyzing the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt data and also extracting data from the other map files (,, See mAdb-TestsToDo.txt for data associated with each test. The summary web pages that are generated reference the various converted Web pages derived from the tests. All tests with the same tissue name are reference from the same tissue summary Web page. The $$ keywords are expanded during batchScipts/Summary/ HTML Web page generation.
  $$TISSUE$$            - tissue associated with the test
  $$INTRODUCTION$$      - Introduction data from the file
  $$LIST_EXPR_GROUPS$$  - list of expression groups used in the test
  $$DESCRIPTION$$       - description using data from mAdb-TestsToDo data
  $$ANALYSIS$$          - data generated for the "Further Analysis" section
  $$FUTHERANALYSIS$$    - data generated for the "Further Analysis" section
  $$DATE$$              - date of conversion
  $$INFILENAME$$        - specific test name (e.g., EG1-test-1+FC-ALL.txt)  

7.6 Generation of batchScipts/ParamScripts/ .map files with GenBatchScripts

Multiple params .map files are generated during the initial GenBatchScripts process and are saved in
batchScipts/ParamScripts/. In addition, the command to execute each of these params .map files is added to the master batchScripts/buildWebPages.doit script file. The latter is executed after the initial batchScripts/ tree is generated. Each test from mAdb-TestsToDo.txt is then used to generate data associated with each test (see A HREF="#TestNameUsage"> Test Name Usage below). A test instance is of the form 'EG1-test-1' and generates the requests for batchScripts/inputTree/ data (e.g., 'EG1-test-1+FC.txt', 'EG1-test-1+FC-ALL.txt', '', '', as well as the "-FC" versions of these 4 types). It also generates requests for the output data in batchScripts/Analyses/ ('EG1-test-1+FC.html', 'EG1-test-1+FC-keep.html', 'EG1-test-1+FC-ALL.html', 'EG1-test-1+FC-JTV.html', 'EG1-test-1+FC-JTV-ALL.html', the '' and ' files as well as the "-FC" versions of these files). The following data.GBS/ parameter .map templates are used to generate the specific params .map files for the above test sub-instances for each test. Executing these params .map files will generate the abovementioned .html and files.          - generate MRR gene expression HTML report     - generate MRR gene list HTML report - generate mapped JTV data and JTV HTML applet
The $$ keywords are expanded during batchScipts/ParamScripts/ files generation. The entries with ".2" in the name are used for subsequent name remapping during the second phase when evaluating the generated params .map files. This list is common for all params .map files generated for the same test.
  $$DATE$$              - date of conversion
  $$INPUT_DATA$$        - input data relative directory 
  $$OUTPUT_DATA$$       - output data relative directory
  $$TABLE_DATA$$        - location of the .map files relative directory
  $$A_SAMPLE_NAME$$     - name of the 'A' condition
  $$B_SAMPLE_NAME$$     - name of the 'B' condition
  $$$$JTV_JARS$$$$      - location of the JTV runtime .jar support files directory
  $$TISSUE.2$$          - tissue associated with the test 
  $$PAGE_LABEL.2$$      - data from page label in mAdb-TestsToDo for test entry
  $$DESCRIPTION.2$$     - data from description in mAdb-TestsToDo for test entry
  $$CLASS_A.2$$         - list of GSP IDs for condition A
  $$CLASS_B.2$$         - list of GSP IDs for condition B  
This list can be different for each params .map file generated for the same test.
  $$PROLOG$$            - name of prolog file prologMRR.html or prologJTV.html
  $$EPILOGUE$$          - name of prolog file epilogueMRR.html or epilogueJTV.html
  $$TITLE.2$$           - title for specific generated Web page 
  $$TEST_OR_ALL.2$$     - "Test" or "All" modifierp     
  $$GBS_DESCRIPTION.2$$ - test specific information        
  $$PARAM_MAP_NAME$$    - name of parameter file with (+-FC, -ALL, -JTV) modifiers         
  $$TESTMAME.2$$        - test name with (+-FC, -ALL, -JTV) modifiers       
  $$FILE.2$$            - data input file for each params .map       
  $$JOIN_TABLE_FILE.2$$ - the -joinTableFile file for MRR-ALL processing only        
  $$MAPDIR$$            - mAdb mapping file for JTV sample name processing only   

7.6 Prolog/epilogue templates used when generating Analysis/ tests

These templates are used as the basis for the Web pages generated in the 2nd phase of the batchScripts conversion when executing the buildWebPages.doit scripts in the batchScripts/Analyses/ (the MRR data) and batchScripts/JTV/ (the JTV data) directories. The parameter files just mentioned will contain the above $$ mappings generated during the 1st phase. These are then used during the second phase to expand the following templates when it does the actual Web page generation. They contain various special $$ keywords that the converter users to map sample-specific data when generating the Web pages.

7.7 Support directories added to the batchScripts/ to support the conversions

The InputDataTree/, JTVjars/ and data.Table/ directories were added to the batchScripts/ directory to support the conversions. The params .map batch jobs also refer to well as corresponding data files to be converted in the InputDataTree/ directory. The data files consist of tab-delimited .txt test data files and JTV .zip files generated by mAdb and organized in a tree that corresponds to the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt Table from the mAdb-TestsToDo.xls Excel spreadsheet table (See the Test-Notes sheet in that Excel file for discussion of the fields). The entire batchScripts/ directory with the Analyses/, InputTree/, JTV/, JTV/jar/, data.Table/, ParamScripts/ and Summary/ subfolders as well as a copy of HTMLtools.jar was created when running the script.

7.8 Running the data.GBS/ script to build the batchScripts/ directory

The GenBatchScripts process is started by executing the data.GBS/ script is shown below. The additional support files are described in the script.
   java -Xmx256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar HTMLtools \
This will use the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt Table as well as other files in data.GBS/ including (the tab-delimited script from the GSP-Inventory.xls spreadsheet) to:
  1. Build the batchScripts/ directory structure for directories: Analyses/, InputTree/, data.Table/, JTV/, JTVjars/, ParamScripts/ and Summary/.

  2. Analyze the common Tissues in the mAdb-TestsToDo.txt Table and then build the Jak-Stat Prospector summary Web pages in directory batchScripts/Summary/ using mapping data and templates in the data.GBS/ directory.

  3. Use the list of mAdb tests in mAdb-TestsToDo.txt Table (as well as other mapping data and templates) to build the ParamScripts/ parameter .map scripts. Each test of the form 'EGn.m-test-n' will generate 8 tests on mAdb and thus HTML and heatmap(Java TreeView) files that are processed by the batch script into files for the Web site:

7.8.1 Test name usage:

The following examples contain file names generated using the 'Test Name' in from the mAdb-TestsToDo.xls used both by mAdb for running the tests in batch mode and for the conversion of that data to Web pages (running the converter) also in batch mode.

mAdb (MRR) and JTV generated data:

EG1-test-1+FC.txt           EG1-test-1-FC.txt  (t-Test or fold-change test gene set)
EG1-test-1+FC-ALL.txt       EG1-test-1-FC-ALL.txt (AND of test gene set with ALL samples)   (JTV heatmap for gene set)   (JTV heatmap for ALL samples)
Converter output: The .txt files processed by the converter have .html file extensions, the .zip files have the .zip removed and an HTML file generated to start up the JTV. If the mAdb group changes the JTV output to use the GSP IDs instead of mAdb IDs, we can avoid processing the JTV .zip files.

On the J-S-P Web site:

EG1-test-1+FC.txt            EG1-test-1-FC.txt (t-Test or fold-change gene set test)
EG1-test-1+FC-ALL.txt        EG1-test-1-FC-ALL.txt (AND of test gene set with ALL samples)
EG1-test-1+FC.html           EG1-test-1-FC.html (t-Test or F-C test - with
EG1-test-1+FC-keep.html      EG1-test-1-FC-keep.html (t-Test or F-C test - no expr. data)
EG1-test-1+FC-ALL.html       EG1-test-1-FC-ALL.html (AND of test gene set with ALL samples)
EG1-test-1+FC-JTV.html       EG1-test-1-FC-JTV.html     (JTV heatmap for gene set)
EG1-test-1+FC-JTV-ALL.html   EG1-test-1-FC-JTV-ALL.html (JTV heatmap for ALL samples)      (JTV heatmap for gene set)  (JTV heatmap for ALL samples)

7.9 Running the Windows buildWebPages batch script to build the Web pages

To run the buildWebPages batch script in the batchScripts/ directory, 1) change to the batchscripts/ directory, and 2) then execute the following script to build the Analyses/, Summary/ and JVT/ web pages. See
Example 15 for the list of the script. The active line in the buildWebPages.bat BAT file is:
   java -Xmx512M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar HTMLtools \

7.10. Converting data from GSP-Inventory for the Jak-Stat Prospector

There are additional support files that are required for updating the J-S P Web server tree. The following JS-P GSP/ subdirectories are updated by running the converter -batchProcessing:batchList.doit batch job: GSP/GSP-Inventory/, GSP/Search/, and GSP/Tests/ that are created in html/GSP. Each of these subdirectories has two additional subdirectories HTML/ and XLS/. The converter then converts the data to HTML and saves the results in the HTML subdirectories. The XLS/ data is not created by the HTMLtools converted, but rather separately from the source data.

7.10.1 HTMLtools distribution directory

The distribution directory has the following data subdirectories required for generating data for the Jak-Stat Prospector Web site.
  Data.GBS/             - GenBatchScripts to create batchScripts/ directory
  Data.GSPI-EG/         - EGxxxx.txt data, HTML and concatenated EGMAP.txt scripts 
  Data.GSPI-ExpGrp/     - ExperimentGroups.txt data and HTML scripts 
  Data.mAdb-TestsToDo/  - script to create HTML of mAdb-TestsToDo
  Data.Maps/            - the scripts used to create HTML and .map files
  JTVjars/              - the JTV runtime jar files required
  Data.Table/           - primary .txt and .map files for EGMAP, ExperimentGroups,
                          mAdbArraySummary, and mAdb-TestsToDo files
Directories trees that are created when running the converter. These will contain the data to be copied to the J-S-P Web site staging directory:
  batchScripts/         - the directory created when run GenBatchScripts
  html/                 - the directory created when run -batchProcess:batchList.doit
  JTVoutput/            - the JTV demonstration conversion output (from JTVinput/)

Additional directories have demonstrations of other features that could be used in conversions including:
  Data.MRR/             - separate demonstration mAdb MRR conversions to HTML
  Data.MRR-all/         - fast-edit table conversion scripts using buffered I/O
  JTVinput/             - the JTV demonstration conversion scripts and data
Additional directories required for support of the converter. Note that the BAT files in the
demo-bat/ directory end in "-bat" not ".bat". The README-NOTE-restoring-the-BAT-file-names.txt describes how to make the BAT files in the demo-bat/ directory runable.
  build/build.xml       - ANT build file for the making the converter 
  demo-bat/             - additional Windows BAT scripts in portable ("...-bat") form 
  docs/                 - additional converter documentation 
  javadocs/             - automatic javadoc Java documentation for the converter
  src/                  - source code for the HTMLtools converter
Additional top level files in the distribution directory:
  HTMLtools.jar          - converter Java jar file used by the BAT scripts
  ReferenceManual.html   - primary documentation for the converter
  README-NOTE-restoring-the-BAT-file-names.txt - how to activate the BAT files

7.11 Running the batchList.doit script

The Windows BAT file batchList.bat (below) runs the batchList.doit script. The script is run from the HTMLtools distribution directory.
   java -Xm256M -classpath .;.\HTMLtools.jar HTMLtools \
The subdirectories of generated files are created in html/GSP/ and then copied to subdirectories with the same names in the Jak-Stat Prospector Web tree. See
Example 10 for the listing of the batchList.doit file.


This code is available at the HTMLtools project on SourceForge at under the "Common Public License Version 1.0"

It has been released with a small non-proprietary sample data currently publicly available on NCBI GEO to demonstrate some of the aspects of the software.

It was derived and refactored from the open source MAExplorer (, and Open2Dprot ( Table modules.

Copyright 2008, 2009 by Peter Lemkin E-Mail:

Program Version: September 23, 2009 V.1.35 (Beta)
Revised: September 23, 2009